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Everything posted by pzannucci

  1. Not based on some of the revised numbers. Sounds like they buffered with anyone that had covid died of it or something crazy.
  2. Seems the conspiracy around death counts is really due to the as Brix put it liberal counting method. More like stupidity to driver up the numbers from the sounds of it. Move along, nothing to see here just normal posturing.
  3. So basically China could not do anything about it even if they tried.
  4. Conspiracy hat on: They allowed flights out of Wuhan but not to other parts of China..... why? equalizer? Conspiracy hat off. Also interesting: https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/05/china-begins-massive-effort-to-test-11-million-people-for-covid-19-in-10-days/ Seems they are still trying to get a handle on things.
  5. Why Change? Different culture. Accept the risks. (or conspiracy hat on, they know where the virus did or didn't come from).
  6. For sure. I don't do good with injected drugs.
  7. About time. There was another doctor on where pharmacists would not fill prescriptions for COVID.
  8. You know those chipmunks in the cartoons that say "After you", "No after you", "No I insist".... I'll ride out the first wave thanks.
  9. Without a doubt 🙂
  10. Essential should extend to services such as medical procedures. Think of the impact of just cancer in 2020 where people are not going for diagnosis: From the American Cancer Society - kind of dwarfs COVID and that is not even counting diabetes, heart, and other of the top 5 ailments that people are not able to get treated for... suicides and drug deaths too. Essential means medical treatment also considering many hospitals are running significantly under capacity. Estimated numbers of new cancer cases and deaths in 2020 (In 2020, there will be an estimated 1.8 million new cancer cases diagnosed and 606,520 cancer deaths in the United States.)
  11. The whole problem started with and is based on your item 1. China does not want to be part of the world brotherhood and would like to control. This was an easy way to allow steps for that to occur if they could get on top of COVID quicker than other countries so they could come out on top. Same reason for all the hacking. First country to the finish line wins and controls. As you said, you can't win. Locking down as necessary would not work in the US. There would be a revolution. This really needed to be stopped at it's source, at the beginning. No one is going to win. This is just going to have to play itself out as in 1918. Open up and protect yourself. You'll die of no food or something else anyway if you don't (all the things like cancer, diabetes, heart conditions, other ailments that aren't being attended to) is going to be worse long term than COVID. Really really dumb.
  12. I like the way all the charts match. Looking at FL, Worldometer has a continual death rate of approx 47 people per day for the last several days. When you look at the COVID dashboard, residents there is a one day spike of 55 and the rest of the days are significantly lower. Both sites are way off from each other. I wonder what fuels conspiracy theories. Another interesting tidbit is for TX, 78% of all deaths are over 65 with approx. 40% over 80. The folks that want to open up the states (or don't) need to look at this data and understand who needs to be protected and understand what should be done to open up. Seems when you add in the asymptomatic/people with antibodies (many samples look like it is 10 times higher than the tested number) with the percentages of working aged folks that are actually dying, hard looks and science needs to tell us how terrible it would be to get back to business.
  13. Cross referenced the EU Patent with the US patent in the article. The US patent was 2018 and the EU patent was Nov. 19. Methods and such in the patent can lock down therapies so control to make money or bury the technology so nobody can use the patent without infringement. Let's hope that the patent owners allow it's use for free vs holding the world hostage, worse yet, don't allow the use by making it prohibitive. Money and control are 99% of the reasons patents are done. I don't think this patent cures COVID, just controls one way to skin the cat.
  14. If politics didn't make everyone lie so much, then you could believe what you hear and there would be no more conspiracy theories. That wouldn't be any fun though. Now you have to play Hoover and vacuum up information from all over and stir, shake, and filter. Very bad.
  15. And that is just Phase 1. I think we need to lock down the US until we complete 100%!!! Kiss the world as we know it goodbye if so.
  16. Yup almost 5 yrs. thanks! Just trying to make sure to take care as much as possible. This virus crap just reinforces exercise and eating better..
  17. Been eating high zinc multi vitamins since throat cancer. Been taking extra C and D. since I heard about COVID to try and make sure I have as good an immune system as possible. Wonder which will win, Vitamins and minerals or COVID.
  18. Makes me squirrelly so I'll probably die from the flu.
  19. How many die from the vaccine every year? CDC number as of Feb. are 45% and 37% effective isn't great in my book for 2019-2020. 80% would make me more happy.
  20. Yes there was a lot of discussion about them missing the mark the past couple of years. That's one of the reasons I don't bother.
  21. BTW, most likely not for this virus but I would bet it would be considered prior art for a new vaccine.
  22. would you like the patent #? Maybe more concise, the patent his foundation owns.
  23. Well Bill does own the EU patent on the coronavirus vaccine.
  24. If not, it is sure being taken advantage of. A lot of manipulation going on using fear. What could be worse, a pandemic, no food, working to blow up asteroids, EMP.... what next all at the same time.
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