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Posts posted by pzannucci

  1. 26 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

    No fat to eat and his muscle was needed for any substance.  You can tell he hadn't eaten well for a while and lack of workout. 


    I need a diet but not quite that much.  At least his immune system (what's left of it) shouldn't need to worry about COVID.

  2. 16 minutes ago, CECAA850 said:

    Are they?  Mine opened up this week and I've already seen him.

    TX....might be a hot rock (at least central) but they are doing the things they need to survive.

  3. 1 minute ago, Deang said:

    Peer review can take a year or longer, and just because the data hasn't been peer reviewed, doesn't mean it's not true or accurate.


    We performed a retrospective analysis of data from patients hospitalized with confirmed SARSCoV-2 infection in all United States Veterans Health Administration medical centers until April 11, 2020. Patients were categorized based on their exposure to hydroxychloroquine alone (HC) or with azithromycin (HC+AZ) as treatments in addition to standard supportive management for Covid-19, ... the two primary outcomes were death and the need for mechanical ventilation. We determined the association between treatment and the primary outcomes using competing risk hazard regression adjusting for clinical characteristics via propensity scores. Discharge and death were taken into account as competing risks and subdistribution hazard ratios are presented,”


    The paper is here, in downloadable PDF. https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.16.20065920v2.full.pdf+html


    The study is based on late stage application of the medicine on people who were already sick. There is nothing for using it as a preventive measure.


    42,000 doses a day? I'm sure that one is being fact checked. And for what purposes?


    I just think it's funny that someone would just start taking medication "on a hunch".


    Yes data needs to be gathered and qualified.  That qualification will allow for a postmortem and true statistics.  Just portray it as such at the beginning and don't use it to beat people over the head who are already down.


    AI which should be being used, is only as good as it's training data and the AI's ability to apply probabilistic weights based on the input data.  That is the start and actually, that is going to be the finish for the evaluation of COVID case studies because by that point you should have enough data to train appropriately and know enough to do the proper inputs.  Now we don't so....

  4. Just now, Bosco-d-gama said:

     If you really and truly wanna be angry about ‘poor’ information that did seed this entire fiasco direct your frustrations where they need to go - China and the WHO. 

    I'm not angry at anything.  I think it is pure stupidity.  Can't be mad at that other than at whomever allows them to get away with it.  This is also used by some states for control.  VERY VERY bad in my mind.  


    The two states I worry about are already opening.  I pity the others that are using some odd science to condone their lockdowns. 


    Of course none of this comes without risk, my feeling is we don't have a choice.


    Additionally, the poor information at the beginning is the learning experience.  The continued poor information is again, stupid.


    • Like 1
  5. 9 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

    For the time being the world gets to grapple with covid19 in its many variations without any curative treatment and no vaccine. We will see more illness, more death and more interruptions in how we live. We can minimize those by adhering to some really simple rules. IMHO people look less weird wearing a mask than they do sucking on a cigar (really). So wear your masks, wash, wash, wash your hands, stay far away from others and set about making your own selves healthier.

    Again, this is just reality.  If people are not getting it (which I see all over the place), it is Darwinism at it's best...


    EDIT: should have added - stay away from those people

  6. 3 minutes ago, Bosco-d-gama said:

    Well covid19 is well known to cause spatial disorientation which could cause a person to trip and suffer a fatal fall or could cause a fatal vehicle collision. 

    I keep saying this........   people are way too focused on ‘hair splitting’ reported statistics that few truly understand in the 1st place.

    I hear you BUT....


    I don't like politicizing and using fear tactics which is what is being done with numbers so I will not stop beating this drum.  Just like saying I need 40000 ventilators in NY and all the bogus original models.


    Yes it is bad but according to the statistics and the likely number of folks that have already been exposed... you can figure out the rest.

  7. 18 hours ago, jwgorman said:

    I think you’ll want to attenuate the N314x a  db  or two more than the hf140. I predict you will hear a lot more cymbal decay, ride cymbal bell etc. It’s a good sounding cd. Not that the HF140 is bad at all. 

    Did the zxpc 17x11 horn with an adapter to allow use with a Faital Pro HF10AK crossed about 850hz.  I am quite amazed by the sound compared to the cost.  The horn really doesn't have as wide a dispersion as they say but provides a large enough sweet spot.  

    Playing with their clone Faital lth142 (cheap at $31.99 vs $118 - you even get an adapter). though that horn now makes me think I should be playing with the N314x.  The horn doesn't play as big as the 17x11 though is likely smoother due to being a tractrix. https://www.ebay.com/itm/9-x14-Oval-Screw-On-Horn-for-1-3-8-Driver-Also-1-5-or-1-4-Exit-Driver-444/331890485556?hash=item4d4636e934:g:1RwAAOSwYIdWFhIl

    • Like 1
  8. 7 hours ago, Seadog said:

    It was like drinking a shot of liquid cigar ashes.  Don't get me wrong, I like a little peat in my scotch, but Octomore is over the top.

    I'll just stay with my Crown XR or Special Reserve whiskeys.  I've only found a couple of different scotches that didn't bite hard that I thought would good for me though a definitely acquired taste. 

    Eyeing my bottle for my 5 yr mark since I can only partake periodically.

    • Like 1
  9. 7 hours ago, RANDYH said:

    add TiaMaria , heaven


    Surprised I don't see anything about smoking pot and COVID or at least publicized widely.  I guess the media doesn't want to attack the marijuana distributors.


    Brownies anyone?

  10. 8 hours ago, RANDYH said:

    -94k deaths  in the USA----- for  a vaccine , let's  hope sooner than later ---

    A number of states are revising their numbers.  Anyone dying of COVID (tripped and hit your head) is a COVID death.

    Glad some are pushing back on the way the deaths are counted.

    • Like 1
  11. 49 minutes ago, NADman said:

    You pretty much can but my 'Prime' order from May 8th is still not here.

    Ya, did a prime a month and a half ago.  Took a month.  Prime bunk when they decide the priority after you clicked buy.

    • Like 2
  12. 9 minutes ago, Seadog said:

    Probably can get necessary tools on Amazon.  Can't get the necessary skills on Amazon.

    Thought you could buy anything on Amazon.

    • Like 1
  13. 1 minute ago, RANDYH said:

    , not worth it --------and you are not affected ---------we lost a family member last week  --she was not  prescribed chloroquine  or a zpac  ---she asked for chloroquine , but a bozo said no , fake news ,  I am not very impressed , you got it , use it -

    My sentiments exactly, if you aren't at risk of course.  I am hearing more and more things like this and to be denied.... I guess agenda wins in a bad way.

  14. 11 minutes ago, CECAA850 said:

    Little scary -then again they all are - from the article:


    The scientific development would be made up of a few proteins that are harmful to the human body and has already been tested on patients with risky cases of coronavirus.

    • Like 1
  15. 3 minutes ago, billybob said:

    For the last time, this came from a link, not a news or press conference.

    I understand.  I just wanted to make clear even if the link stated it, from what I remember it was incorrect.  


    When he stated it at the meeting, I could hear peoples heads pop.  So didn't figure it needed more gasoline. 🙂

  16. 1 minute ago, dwilawyer said:

    Two YEARS!? I knew they were lying to us, vaccine by end of the year, yeah right.


    Another question I just thought of.  Is the common cold spread the same way as SARS-CoV-2? Has anyone here caught a cold since this started?





    Probably not.  Everyone is distancing and paying better attention to hygiene. 

    • Like 1
  17. 7 minutes ago, billybob said:

    Guess I could be wrong but 1 Z-Pak was what read. Did not want to post the link here but, if I see it again.

    Guess I should have prologued

    by saying that a staffer was in the news a week ago who tested positive for the virus. Staffer was around the unmentionables.

    So, back to the prophylaxis mentioned by me. Is this helpful?

    I watched the conference while he was telling the press.  So what I am saying is only what Trump is taking to the original post, vs what is typically prescribed.

    So for long term and trying to take Hydroxi for a prophylaxis, I won't think Z-pac would be part of the regime.  If you actually have COVID, that's a different story.

    • Like 1
  18. 7 minutes ago, RANDYH said:

    so getting a vaccine in a few months is not realistic

    I just threw that out.  I am hoping by the end of the year, but then you have the first responders and all the other stuff (If they make the end of the year).  I believe in Murphy's law.  Of course they can't plan that in.

    • Like 1
  19. 7 minutes ago, billybob said:

    Well, I couldn't stop him.

    No I mean he mentioned hydroxi and zinc. Don't think he said Z-pac with it for what he was taking.  Only mentioned as far as what they would use on people who already had the virus.  Z-pac is an antibiotic and it would not make sense unless you needed the Z-pac for something you already had (other than the virus).  Not made to take that long term to avoid coronavirus as the use of hydroxi and zinc would be.

    • Like 1
  20. 3 minutes ago, tube fanatic said:

    Dentists have been using masks, gloves, goggles, and/or face shields here for years.  Generally, their in office hygiene has been impeccable with all handles and control surfaces covered in plastic and changed between patients.  They even disinfect the arm rests of the exam chairs between patients.  Compare that with many of the medical doctors, and chiropractors, who don’t even use hand sanitizer between patients.  Chiropractors here are considered essential and were never ordered to close (and those I know don’t wear face masks either at this time).  



    Pretty bad.  People who have to get checked regularly to avoid catastrophic issues due to having radiation and other things, could be in serious trouble.  Lack of care could cause a quick downward spiral.  Hopefully the people who say "follow the science" will start soon.

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