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  1. I found a Youtube video. I think I am making progress.
  2. I have HiQnet Audio Architect downloaded. Recommended by Crown for this amp. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of how to use the package. You have any familiarity with this package?
  3. I have two Crown DSi 1000's. Unfortunately, have never used them. One of the options they have: Onboard digital signal processing includes crossovers, EQ filters, delay, and output limiting. Are these good amps? I would like to use one as a sub amp. I don't know how to use the DSP though. Not very intuitive when I stark clicking around on the three separate option button on the front. Anyone have experience setting up the DSP in these amps?
  4. Using a 3 way electronic crossover I assume. Which model?
  5. Do you have an opinion on the Topping amps vs. the Fosi amps?
  6. Which Topping amps are you using? Are you using for subs only or full range?
  7. What do you do with the Acoustical Felt. Below is a quote of your suggestion. "You can modify both the tweeter and the mid and obtain much improvement for a reasonable amount of cash, you will need some dynamat and some 1/8" F-11 Acoustical Felt to do so. "
  8. What glue is recommended for adding bracing without screws?
  9. Yes, I have Heresy II's. I am going to recap the crossovers while I'm at it. I will make my cabinets from 3/4" with internal bracing as well.
  10. Well... the Feed-N-Wax made all four finished look better!! And it is on no way a wet looking shine or an oil looking finish. Just a very subtle sheen to it. Looks like the wood has been sanded ultra sooth. Like the wood itself has been buffed. I am going to look at all four finishes tomorrow and see if I an pick a favorite. Other than the Trade Secret, the other three finishes look VERY similar. Watco Tung oil is very expensive. Unless it somehow has a longer life between finishing/refinishing, I would not suggest that finish because of cost.
  11. Well, after applying the Feed-N-Wax, over the top of the Restor-A-Finish, that treatment looked the best. Not sure if you will be able to see it in the pic. The treatment left a nice sheen. It does not look wet. Does not look like cleat coat. It does not look like the wood has a oil or treatment on it...... just looks like the wood has been hand rubbed and is very smooth. So, I am not sure if Restor-A-Finish with Feed-N-Wax is the perfect combo..... or if the Feed-N-Was is the sole contributor. Right now, I have a coat of Feed-N-Wax on all of the finishes. I will hand buff that off in about 20 minutes and the I'll share the results. Top box below is the Restor-A-Finish with Feed-N-Wax over the top.
  12. Here is the final product. Restor-A-Finish in top box. Trade Secret in 2nd box down from the top. Tung Oil in 3rd box down from the top and Rejuvenating Oil in the bottom box. Trade Secret definitely darkened up the Oak. I really cannot see much of a difference between the other three. I shined a bright light on them all and still did notice much of a difference. I am going to try to attach a video of me moving the bright light down the side of the box focusing for a second on each of the finishes. The video is probably too large to attach. By the way, the Feed-N-Wax is the second stage of the Restor-A-Finish. I will post a pic after the 20 minute wait time on that product that goes on after the Restor-A-Finish.
  13. Excess tung oil was wiped off after 15 minutes. Box to the left. Trade Secret was applied in box to the right and excess immediately wiped off per instructions. Trade Secret definitely darkens up the wood. At least in the Oak.
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