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Posts posted by derrickdj1

  1. I have seen the Panamax line, very elegant design and reliablity for a power conditioner. We can think of our HT systems has a pet. Besides, caring for it, we feed the power hungry little beast. A lot of consideration is given to wires, connectors, room treatments, speakers and the avr/amps: but, protecting your system should be high on the list. Also the benefit of cutting the feeding bill to our pets. Years ago I lost my office computer system and all the phones due to a surg in a storm, and yes the computer way on one of the cheap surge protector, lol.

  2. Recently, a forum member suggested that I consider adding a power conditioner to my HT setup. I told him everything was on surge protectors. After some reading, there did seem to be some benefits to having a power conditioner for the HT equipment, protect against sags or surges in the electrical supply chain, equipment protection, clean energy to the HT gear, energy savings, and possibly improved sound and picture quality. For me, the added benefit of one touch everything on or off. The LED display also looks cool. It displays voltage, amps, and wattage. The all on function cut power completely off for 6 devices, and eliminated the vampire effect of the equipment, sucking power in stand-by mode. The plasma tv and oversized Pioneer Elite avr consume the most power in my setup. I also have a cable box, BD player, Wii game console and a power amp in the mix. My watts reading is between 420 -500. This seems like a lot for a relatively simple HT. I wonder what benefits other members feel a power conditioner brings to their systems and what type of reading they are seeing on the display. What's next, as , Ving Rhames said in Pulp Fiction, I will tell you what's next. I hope I have the Pulp Fiction thing correct, lol.

  3. I took a look at the Marantz, very cool looking. Reminds me of college when looking at the lights and meters were a part of the musical experience back in the late 70's. Many of these vintage pieces are still going strong. Production was focused on quality and not so much on cost. The old stuff was made with high quality parts.

  4. I have a Samsung 3D plasma TV. First I had a regular 2D samsung that had to be fixied twice in 18 months so they replaced it with the 3D tv. I really like the 3D tv for mostly 2D viewing. But I ocassionaly get the itch to watch sports programs, 3D blue-rays and on demand 3d shows for something different. Since I had the extended warranty I complained that it need calibration, so they came out a fine tuned it for free. Subxero is right about getting it calibrated for the best picture quality. If the cost is about the same, get it. Since the 3D tv's are not selling as well as the 2D tv, they have dropped the prices. Oh, I subsequently found out that there was nothing wrong with the 2D samsung except one of the setting was not correct. I am glad they let me keep it, lol.

  5. I have the Klipsch HD 500 satellite system and am pleased with the sound. For small speakers, they really fill a small to medium size room. The sub in the system is a must. Imaging and clarity are exceptional. Congrats on your purchase and enjoy!

  6. I recently brought two well kept vintage amps and a great price. The Yamaha M 70, I use them for 2 channel audio and extended HT listening. The clarity of these old amps is great. No his or buzz which I have heard about on this forum about other amps. No ground loop problems. I just turned the gain all the way up and ran the avr's autocalibration program to set the levels and adjust for room correction. I know there are a great number of good amps and each have there own fans. I was wondering what experiences others had, or having using some older equipment.

  7. Very interesting post. Bass management seems to be the most complex and controveral topic in the audio world. Turning off the LFE and turning the sub X/O off is the opposite of what I have learned. From further reading and forum discussions, there is more ways to skin a cat. I should not keep reading these forums, I have a tendency to try things and spend more time fooling around with my equipment. I guess that's part of the fun!! Thanks for the link.

  8. The Icon V speakers are nice speakers and you can't beat the price. I have the V serie and really think it makes a nice setup for 2 channel listening and home theater. I demo the Reference line, Pardigm and B&W prior to my purchase. Musically the Pardigm were my favorite. The thing that I notice with the V series speakers, was there was no harshness or horny sound to them. If you have a good pre-amp or avr for equalization and room correction, the difference between the reference line and the icon's will not be signifcant. When I first joined this forum, people told me to upgrade my speakers. After using them for a while, I think not. I like them and am only speaking for me. There is a post on this site where a member has the Palladium series, and V series. He gives a nice low down on the V series qualities. I like the sound from the xt tractix horn. My setup has a bit of a warm sound. Good luck! Only you can judge the cost difference and the performance value of your purchase. I went back and brought more Icon V speakers for a 9.1 HT.

  9. Forget about bi-amping and let you avr/pre- amp take care of the channel ajdustments. If your speaker are to bright or sound harsh, use the avr equalizer and lower the 8 or 16 kHz frequency one or two notches Your room correction program in the avr does more than adjust channel levels. It will EQ the speaker, set cross- overs and control standing waves to name a few. Also try moving your subs around to 2 or 3 more spots in you room and see if they sound better. I deally, the subs should be inside your mains or on the front wall several feet from the corner. Each time you move things around, re- run the auto-calibration programs. Bi- amping speakers is not for newbies, due the learning curve on system adjustments and will most likely not result in improved sound quality. The 2 sw 450 sub you should be feeling outside the house, lol. Proper speaker placement and room correction can make or break a system. The RF 7's and 82's are good speaker and should sound good without bi-amping or bi-wiring. Maybe after you have them for several months then you can play with them more.

  10. What speakers do you have and do they have an active X-over. If the don't, then bi-amping will not really add much. I have a Yamaha M-70 and do not bi-amp my speakers. I turn the gain all the way up and run the avr's autocalibaration program, so that the pre-amp/avr is running the system. This is the safest way to use your amp. This way you can control the volume with your avr. That is a very nice amp. I like my M-70. No hiss or humms and I happy. This way the M 85 is taking the load off your avr and letting the amp do what is does best, power the more demanding speaker load. You should get better bass and midrange performace from your speakers. If you have a powered sub with it own amp, it will not place a load on the avr of any real significance.

  11. I have been on this site for several months as a newbie to HT and 2 channel audio. I have had systems in the past, but never put much thought into them. If they made noise, I was happy. I mainly used them for HT and not much music. Since I got my Klipsch, I have been interested in the topic of amps. I wanted to really know if they made a difference in sound quality. I purchased a Yamaha M 70 amp and intergated it into my system. It is a vintage amp in mint condition. The amp is 200 w/c at 8 ohms RMS. Everything on the amp works and the SQ is excellent. The speakers are dead silent between songs, even with my ear up to the speakers. Before Klipsch, 90/10 HT, now 60/40. Thanks to this forum and the members shared knowledge, I might become an audiophile want to be. This hobby is already getting expensive, lol.

  12. It sounds as if you are not happy with the sound of your 5.1 system? What speaker do you have and how are they layed out? The RF'3 or RB 5's can be used for your front stage or 2 channel listening. You said the RF 3's are going to a smaller room. I would keep the 3's in the larger room if asthetics are not a problem. Rear ported speakers should not be to close to the wall. What room correction program are you using? Please give additional info so forum members can be more helpful.

  13. I have the whole Icon V series with the VC 25 center. It is a great match for the VF 36, VF35 or VB 15. The VB 15 may be an option. Lay it side way?

    Very similar power output and frequency range. It may actually be slightly better. The VB 15 can be found fairly easy. Just a thought. I have extra VB 15's if you are interested. The other option is a VF 36 if you do not want to go with the ks 25. It is nice to get another Icon V for timber matching and asthetics, with matching grills. Another forum member modifed a nice RF 7 for a center speaker. I am really impressed with the V series, sounds great. Congrats on your new purchase.

  14. Thanks for all the comment and opioions. After reading the various post, I actually have more questions. I see the point in using EQ sparingly and in the bass range. Headphone should help to train my ear better and the wife will not have to hear to my new found hobby, listening to music a lot more. When I first setup my Klipsch system it was for 90% tv/movies and 10% music. Now I would say it is 60/40. It is strage how this hobby can change a person, ha ha. I will give an update on this post in the near future. Everyone, have a Great New Years and 2012! One more thing, I get to justify buying a set of nice headphones!

  15. I have read a lot on this forum about the use of power amps to add detail to the sound of music. Where does equalization come in compared to the use of power amps. I know it take a lot of hours of listening to music and a good equalizer to know what frequencies to adjust. It would seem that amps can only take you so far. I wondered what other forum member do to further customize their system's to their listening preferencies. I am not concerened with loudness, just clarity. I have seen the vast amount of knowledge on this forum, so I feel that many other members may have more experience with this issue on sound clarity. Thank for your comment and opinions.

  16. In general it is better to have two identical subs with the same frequency response. If your bass is boomy this may be due to reverb/standing waves. The sub you have goes pretty low and is a great sub. Any way to check? Are you speakers let to large, small or a combination of the two? This will influence bass management. I have a 15 in. sub and it is great for music and HT. I ran MCACC on my system using 3 listening position to get the best correction for standing waves in the room. This was in addition to moving the sub to different locations in the room. Before doing this the bass was somewhat boomy. Now it is tight and dynamic. Two subs are better for spreading around the bass in the room than using some speakers set to large; it is a simpler way for bass management in a system.

  17. Explain more on what you are trying to accomplis. Why is the speaker wire run so long? Additional information will get others to join the post and help you. The pros and cons of bi-wiring are uncertain do to so many different opinions. If it was a more sure thing, you would see more people raving about it's benefits. This long wire run may make a difference, but others will have more knowledge and can give an opinion.

  18. Thor, Captain America, Shoot em up, 3:10 to youma, Pirates of the Caribbean(latest one) and Tranformers Darkside of the Moon are 7.1 blue-rays that I own. I have others, but these just came to mind.

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