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Posts posted by Conductor

  1. Ok, so most of us here know how sensitive the Klipsch Heritage speakers are to electronics ("If you dont like whats going in..etc.), but how many of us found this out only after mega tweaking our speakers. I resisted all the tweaking that can be done to my Klipschorns until I had lived with them for a while and tried different components. I am glad I did. I first used a pair of ASL AV8's and a Foreplay pre. I tried various tubes in the Foreplay. (nice, but some sibilance). I tried an Odyssey Stratos with the Foreplay (great Bass, too harsh). I then bought a Conrad Johnson CAV-50 integrated. (Great detail, delicious midrange, sparkling highs, tight bass, airy, absolutely quiet, but again, some sibilance. I was ready to start tweaking the Khorns, but decided to roll some of the tubes in the CJ. I didnt have any 6sn7's or EL34's on hand, so I tried various 12ax7's..Bugle Boys, Mullards, Sylvania gold brand 5751's..still some sibilance. Tonight I found some grimy old RCA black plates with square getters. They tested good so I cleaned the pins and stuck them in. The sibilance all but disappeared with no loss of detail, and vocals seemed even more palpable. It was a jaw dropper. I no longer feel the need to start tweaking the Klipschorns (but, of course, I will). I guess my point to all this is; Get the electronics right, or as close to right as you can, first. Then start tweakin' the speakers. Little things can make a big difference. I can't wait to get the RCA 6SN7 VT231's I have coming to replace the Sovteks.

    ATTN: Mobile H.

    I WILL try DHSET amplification someday.

    I MAY have the CJ triode wired.

    I DO plug the CJ into the wall.

    This message has been edited by Conductor on 12-27-2001 at 02:08 AM

  2. Nothing is between the speakers except a very short 3 shelf audio rack (the corner of which is just visible in the picture) the couch is against the side wall. The speakers are 11 feet apart(measured from Klipsch logo to Klipsch logo) and my nose, while seated in the listening chair (which matches the couch, btw), is 13 feet from the from the logos. If you guys want to buy me some new furniture I'll let you pick it out.


    If God had not wanted us to eat animals, then why did he make em taste like meat?

  3. Hagood, Khorns in good condition are going for between 1500 and 3000. Most come in around 2000 to 2500. really trashed ones show up for much less. As far as shipping goes, it is done but with much difficulty and expense. They weigh 165 lbs apiece and are quite large. They do break down into 2 pieces each, but the bass bin section is still quite large and heavy. They have to be crated and trucked. The best thing to do is find a pair within a few hundred miles of your home and go pick em up. I drove 300 miles one way to get mine. They must be securely padded and strapped down to survive the trip without harm.

  4. Hell yes, he's alive. Lay off the mushrooms and the visions will stop. He's 56 y/o and eccentric as ever. He released an album of skiffle music just last year. Cool! Lets hear it from the skiffle fans in the house! If you're pullin' Van da Man vinyl, I recommend "Van Morrison His Band And The Street Choir"

    If you don't have it, and there are any all night record stores near you, do yourself a big favor.


    If God had not wanted us to eat animals, then why did he make em taste like meat?

  5. Mr.Homeless, I did get an amp. I found a mint Conrad Johnson CAV50. Just waiting for Fedex to bounce it to me. I almost ordered the Wrights, but I was scared to death that they wouldn't crack plaster without clipping. Besides, after seeing your close-up innards pics (reminded me of Hustler magazine), I could see they were wired wrong and full of cheap parts (just kidding.. Insert appropriate emoticon here). I refer, of course, to the AA thread that you mentioned. I kept waiting for Mr.Wright to weigh in and defend his deformed little children, which he did. I'd bet someone emailed him and he was horrified when he read the thread. I still might try the Wrights someday. Hell, I might be like Jack G and just try 'em all.

    I'm off to listen to Van Morrison's TB Sheets. Its the worst sounding cd ever, but the music is wonderful.

  6. Gregorius, I have visited Mr. Deckert's listening roon/office and heard the Zen amp driving his radial speakers. The soundstage was awesome. This was at low level; polite, nighttime, baby's sleeping, got a hangover, level. If that's what you want then I could recommend them just because of the price if nothing else. I also heard them through his weird looking, homemade fullrange driver in a corner horn with add on tweeters speakers. I was underwhelmed. BTW, three of the responders to this post (the homeless guy, Colin, and Bey) often hang out at the Audio Asylum where they try to pass themselves as audiophiles and stir up a lot of s***. Especially the homeless character. In reality they are just horny tube types who write well and prolifically. They can be entertaining at times and usually know what they are talking about. I use to think they were the same guy.

  7. I bought 'em! Just got back from picking them up. Thanks for the tip. I owe you one. I read your message soon after you posted it and within 2 minutes I had gone to the Star website and did a search in classifieds for Klipschorn and came up with the ad, got the phone number, and was talking to the gentleman about buying the K horns. He had gotten several inquiries but none had committed. After talking to him for some time about the speakers, I told him I wanted to come get them Sunday. He held them for me and I drove the 300 miles one way to ST. Joe, Mo. and picked them up. They were in absolutely perfect condition, as he indicated in his ad and on the phone, except for one small mar (not quite a scratch) in the middle of the top surface of one. I worried all the way there that it would be a bust and that they were somehow deficient. They were not. They were looked and sounded beautiful. Something about his demeanor on the phone assured me that he was on the level even tho he could not provide pictures. He was the original owner, having bought them new in "85 and even had the owners manual, receipt, and the gaskets (seals?) for the backs that he had never put on. He bought the unfinished 7 ply birch and had them professional stained and finished in a beautiful walnut with a satin sheen. They had not ever been moved from his office where they were placed when they were delivered to him. I asked him if he would miss them and he said no, that he had probably only listened to them about 10 hrs. because they annoyed his neighbors. He just kept them because they looked so good sitting there. He has been relocated to California and priced them to sell quickly. I'm an extremely happy camper. Thank you again, SickPuppy.

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