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Full Range

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Everything posted by Full Range

  1. I have been working long hours all weekend and needed to relax when I finally finished So after a shower and some food comes rest and recreation It’s 6pm in my part of the world so I’m just chilling to Artist - Santana Title - Abraxas - Quadraphonic pressing
  2. ‘Check eBay and for you I will do it at half price they are asking
  3. OK here we go Found in storage these R2R releases ‘Also have a copy of both on a single tape
  4. They we’re the days 👍
  5. Had a visitor today that requested this album Artist - Pink Floyd Title - Wish You Were Here
  6. Song is based on a true story ✅
  7. Nice 👍 I have a couple of Jethro Tull collections CDs 20 Year - https://www.discogs.com/release/3805350-Jethro-Tull-20-Years-Of-Jethro-Tull-The-Definitive-Collection 25 year - https://www.discogs.com/release/2006241-Jethro-Tull-25th-Anniversary-4CD-Box-Set
  8. Today is a rainy day in Brisbane If we had the technology to send some of it to help with the LA fires we would Artist - Cream Title - Disraeli Gears
  9. Think Cosmos - A Spacetime Odyssey We are seeing the destruction by fire in Los Angelis so much so that my eyes are tearing up Artist - Vangelis Title - Heaven And Hell
  10. Just played this album on LP Enjoy the first track on Vangelis - China
  11. Going electronic today A sedate album with classical undertones at times but enjoyable nonetheless I think a couple of tracks have been used on commercials ? Artist - Vangelis Title - China
  12. A very good track with lots of horn work Also a section - if played loud may crack windows or p*ss off the neighbour’s 😎🦊
  13. That’s the new release for 2024 P.S. We have a suburb named Newmarket here in Brisbane Australia and it’s about 5 suburbs away from me 🤘
  14. A clear / transparent waterproof wood glue will do the job You want a glue that won’t change colour with age
  15. A couple of songs from a British band from the late sixties This one was produced by George Harrison This one was produced by Paul McCartney
  16. I think you have a dry solder joint - 1) So that is the first thing to check 2) unscrew and clean all connection points as metal will tarnish over time and the connection is not ideal 3) If you want to replace the capacitors - Use Jantzen
  17. Re Goal for 2025 While it’s still in working order down south Once is not enough 🤘 Maybe Barry White will help
  18. Because it’s New Year’s Eve, I have chosen to play a somewhat unusual album that is also addictive Free improvisation at its best with lots of percussion Artist - Diga Rhythm Band Title - Diga
  19. As I have noted in the past that this time of year is my busiest Working my regular service and more tasks on top of that That means that I’m working my butt off for now and will finish mid January Retirement is looking more of a reality now than at any time in the past Its New Year’s Eve here in Australia and wanted to wish everyone a happy, safe , music filled and prosperous New Year
  20. Depending on what denomination you follow 2 distinct but universal patterns for Christianity (apart from the cross) is the fish outline and a dove I like the idea as mentioned above using mother of pearl as it will always stay true to colour and has been used for centuries as wood inlay If you are not proficient in woodwork - my advice is to do the decoration of choice on a thin piece of wood and use adhesive to fix it to the box It’s a tried and tested method - see photo This method allows for infinite mistakes as the box is not the working surface 😎
  21. Skyhooks - best of A very popular Australian band from the 70s
  22. Not sure if our resident expert will remember these artists AKA @Dave1291 From 1968
  23. Same goes for Neil Young But I’m going to say that his voice is unique as it lends itself to the music
  24. My better half got me a new hat Style is Homburg
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