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Posts posted by MyOwn

  1. @SeadocWas this your experience?


    2020-12-06 Crowler poured yesterday at Sam the Beer Man.
    I'm so thankful that 3F has been able to expand their distribution. I've been planning a return trip for a while...and then there was 2020. This too shall pass.
    Look...is every bit a "5". Translucent...on the brink of clarity; very important that i don't mistake this from a beverage that i couldn't consider if i was vegan. Pours a shaded peachy golden color with better a two finger lite tan loose collar that resists fading, This guy enjoys optimum effervescence and leaves a fair amount of lacing.
    Smell...I like to judge this by a couple of factors; the aggressiveness of the experience and the component characteristics. I almost docked this. It hit me immediately but it was from less than 'arms reach', ha! When i held this up, it was like being back at the brewpub. This, to me, defines the aroma of a CLASSIC 'Imperial IPA'.Perfectly balanced tangy orange and vanilla maltiness with those grassy hop notes.
    TASTE/FEEL/OVERALL... this is the THING! You almost can't judge these separately. It's bright and out-of -the-box creamy. Sweet and hoppy. It's 'Imperial' but it doesn't kick you in the face. The flavor finishes with piney grassy notes that linger on-and-on. Very appropriate (old's cool).
    It pretty much doesn't get much better than this!!
    My hat is off to Three Floyds and Sam the Beer Man. Happy Holidays my friends.

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