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Everything posted by mopardave

  1. The st70 looks simular to my chinese amp im using now. They have plenty of power. I can get 126db peaks in my living room with bass heavy music with this Audcom. Im just looking for an easy listening amp like this Douk 13/18w kt88. Like to listen at 80/100db at 12' back.
  2. ok, ill have to take a look at bob's amp's. thanks
  3. ok, not sure on the design. temped to buy it thou.
  4. that's what I was thinking. do you think it would drive the cornwalls hard enough, like 100db listening?
  5. I found the receipt for my sony c333es the other day. I for got that it was modded when I bought it. paid $900 for it. ouch! I totally forgot. any idea what its worth today, like new cond.
  6. I think that was the changer with no remote. I'm watching one brand new in the box. if it stays under $200 ill bid.
  7. Hi, anyone have any experience with these Douk chineese amps? sexy little thing. The reviews iv read are really good. My Audcom chineese tube amp that was modded by Craig/nosvalves has been a great amp and quite a thumper at 30w/70w total with my cornwalls. just thought I would ask here about the Douk amps for good or bad reviews. thanks
  8. I found a denon 3700 changer at pawn shop. think ill pass on that as I have also found a Yamaha cdc600bl, which I am going to bid on. I really like all the reviews on the Yamaha changer. thanks for the heads up on that.
  9. Those look real good. May go that way. I see the yamaha has a higher s/n ratio.
  10. yeah I understand. will be rolling the dice on a used player for sure, but I have too many hobbies and wont spend the $1200 for a new one. my sony c333es was used when I bought it. been 14-15yrs now and still going, just not totally happy with the sonics out of that player. It doesn't sound like a piece of junk by no means, but just not exactly what I'm looking for.
  11. yes, I just need it for 2 channel listening. the Marantz reviews have been very good on these two players.
  12. Ok. Im really looking at the marantz again. Sa8004 sa8005.
  13. Thanks again for all the info. I need to hit a couple stereo shops and pawn shop this week. I will keep an eye out for the oppo, marantz, yamaha and denon models.
  14. Ok thanks. I really like the looks of the yamaha s1000, but from what im hearing the oppo is the way to go for top shelf sonics.
  15. Ok. Thank you for that. Looks like oppo is single disc only? No changers?
  16. know anything about the Denon DVM 3700? audiophile range? can anyone tell me if the single players are better sonically than the changers? any difference here?
  17. Ok so Denon is a contender as well. Any new stuff from Denon any good? Models?
  18. Back in the 80's nakamichi made some nice tape decks. How are they with cd and tubes?
  19. Someone on this site gave direction on building crossovers for my cornwalls. This was back around 2002 or 03. Must have been deang. Thanks. They work great.
  20. I have never been real impressed with the sony c333es even after modded. Craig (nos valves) had one as well and we compared the two side by side on his lascalas and could hear no sonic differences between the two and mine was modded. I think that cost me $750 for the mod. Very disappointed. The sony has always been forward and etchy. Now my yamaha is great. Very smooth and easy to listen to but its a player. Would like another changer. Ill check the s1000 for sure.
  21. Never heard of the aletheia crossover networks. Have to check those out.
  22. Havent heard much about marantz. I will check out the yamaha as thats what my system consists of beside my tube amp. Will check on the oppo as well. I would prefer a changer over a player.
  23. yes it does, quite easily. what do you think of the crites crossover networks vs ALK? I see them in your signature. I have home brew cornwalls with inverted horns and heresys. the heresys need crossovers as I robbed some parts while building the cornwalls. I built the crossovers with help from this site using better parts. had a thought of ALKS for those.
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