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  1. Here's the link. (Guess I got a little punchy with the send button!) http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=3053019888&category=14993&rd=1
  2. These are on ebay. Thought somebody might be interested. Jason
  3. Good afternoon, I haven't been around lately to see the replies to my post. I seem to have sparked a small debate. I'm back. Please allow me to retort. There are indeed differences between the sounds of certain cables (or for those who need spoon-feeding "wire"). In electrical theory this is absolutely incorrect, I'll admit that. But anyone who has heard the beauty of a tube amp will know that theory only goes so far. My post to this topic was not to talk anyone into buying anything, especially those who cannot hear the difference in cables. If you are happy, GREAT! SUPER! Don't spend the money! I just cannot grasp how narrow your field of perspective must be. With a pair of speakers that have a sensitivity of 104db, any small improvement (or fault) is magnified to a great degree. For those of you that don't believe in the difference in cables, do you believe that different capacitors do indeed sound different? If not there is absolutely no reason to waste any more breath on you. If you do believe that different caps do sound different, why is it so hard for you to grasp your mind around another, yet similar, concept? All this shows me is that a few people, who are on this forum, do not have a lot of experience in audio. Sometimes things are different even though they shouldn't be. Just because you don't know something for sure, doesn't mean that it does not exist. You just haven't been able to see/hear/touch/taste it. For those of you who do believe different cables sound different, I still like my new cables!
  4. Hello there, last week I replaced the xover and internal wiring on my 78 khorns. I used DH Labs Silversonic T-14 wire (14 Ga). TI replaced the xovers at the same time, but I did an a-b comparison on the speakers, one speaker with new wire and one without. Immediately I could hear a differince between them. The speaker with new wire was way more revealing. During the first 10 or so hours, the sound was a little brittle (but still an improvement over the stock wiring and xover). Now that it has had time to settle-in, is has a very fast, lively, character. The speakers give a tighter and more immediate presence. Their voice is absolutely beautiful. Overall, the new set-up is like turbo-charging the speakers.I like accurate sounding equipment and I like this wire.
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