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Tony T

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Everything posted by Tony T

  1. My friend (who introduced me to this today) is the leader within my area for high end theater sound systems. He pushes, and sells Klipsch A LOT! He claims this particular brand is the very best bang for your buck. Can't wait to hear the system he's currently finishing. Always wanted a great outdoor sound system. One that actually sounds ... decent. I can honestly say I've never heard an outdoor, buried in the ground sub.
  2. Forgot to mention, this was a 12" subwoofer within the large direct burial cabinet.
  3. Has anyone had experience with the Underground Subs? A friend & subcontractor of mine is installing these things within the high end, luxury homes' back yards. I looked at one of them today (before he buried it) and they're very simple in design. It was somewhat large and the landscaper had to dig a sizeable hole to accommodate it! About 2'x3'x 3' deep. The direct burial subwoofer cabinet certainly wasn't small! Has a thick plastic mushroom looking thing sticking out of the ground that the bass bellows out of.
  4. Makes sense. Also happens to be the date of my high school graduation. Ironic
  5. UPDATE; Investigated, found & acquired second Khorn! One of my luckiest days.
  6. Please remind me of the dates. I suppose if there's sufficient notice, I could look into it. I reckon I could exercise the liberties of recent retirement.
  7. I didn't really plan on attending the gathering. But the idea has interested me.
  8. I suppose I could try and dig deep but you know how estate sales are. These came from a deceased individual and my understanding is they were one owners. One never truly knows in these situations.
  9. Nope, I recently purchased them from an estate sale. I wasn't going to purchase them since I already own a pair but I barely picked up on the signature. I stole them (figuratively speaking of course) knowing the seller didn't even know what he had ... speaker wise not signature.
  10. If Paul actually did sign this, I wonder what the numbers meant? Must have been for a reason. Inventory purposes perhaps?
  11. Certainly. It also appears the numbers 770524 were written by the same hand just after the signature. Maybe?
  12. Is there any significance to a "Paul W. Klipsch" signatures on serial tags of 1977 Khorns? The signatures are vertical on the left edge of tags nowhere near the Inspected & Tested signature lines . Clearly signed in ink. Just wondering ...
  13. Whoa, quite a setup he had ... sounds very nice. So if I understand you correctly, he disassembled the horn section of the speaker, lifted it up and moved it higher above the bass bin?
  14. I have an opportunity to purchase a single 77' Khorn in great shape. Not that it makes a huge difference but, it happens to have PWK's signature on the serial tag. Anyway, does anyone use a single Horn between two Khorns as a center channel? This is for theater and music listening only. Thanks, Tony
  15. Not quite. I'm wondering why the variations in 12 gauge strand wires themselves. Looking at speaker wires (staring at the end of a speaker wire) they're copper copper, copper silver, or silver silver in their given pairs. Still wondering why this is the case. There must be a logical reason behind this.
  16. No, I'm not referring to the actual speakers as much as speaker wires to facilitate the speakers themselves. From the amps to the speakers.
  17. Not sure what you're asking Peter. My speakers (78' Khorns/89' Lascala's) are stock, yes. Regarding wire well, I haven't gotten that far yet. Anxious to hook them up properly but wanting to feel certain of which wire to purchase. There're many brands of 12 G wire out there! I already know it's going to be 12 gauge. Just don't feel educated enough to make a wise choice yet. I want the best long term speaker wire.
  18. Well no, I don't think we've covered this yet. After reading my post again, I'm thinking I didn't make myself clear enough. My fault. When looking closely at speaker wires, there are 3 distinct variations. The two wires (paired together) are both copper or, the two wires are copper and silver OR, the wires are both (once again paired together) silver in color. I've always been curious why there are 3 separate variations. There's bound to be a logical reason behind this. No matter where I look for an answer, I cannot find one. I was hoping someone with greater understanding could shed light on the subject. Thank you
  19. I personally have a 38 x 26 room accommodating 2 Khorns and 2 Lascala's. I'll most certainly going to be using greater lengths of speaker wire, especially for the rear Lascala's.
  20. Furthermore, why is side by side strand speaker wire (12/2, 14/2 or whatever) either copper/copper, copper/silver or silver/silver? I've never understood this. It seems to me copper/copper, side by side, dual strand would be the logical choice. Copper is in fact, a great conductor. Upon close observation, my 78' Khorns internal wires are seemingly a 14 gauge or perhaps 16 gauge. The smaller gauge makes sense due to the short distance. What's even more interesting to me is the pairing of wires coming off the AA Board going to the 3 different destinations are; Woofer = silver/silver K-55-V = silver/silver K-77 = silver/silver All speaker destinations (entering the individual speakers) are obviously coated with a slick silver metallic type material. Looks as if they may have been dipped into a silver solder? The same can be said for my 89' LaScala's. The AL-3 boards have the same gauge wires and again, all internal crossover boards & internal speaker destinations are silver/silver wire. This would leave a person to guess that silver/silver paired speaker wire is in fact, the logical choice. Still, I technically do not know what the correct answer would be. Anyone??? Thanks again, Tony
  21. Furthermore, why is side by side strand speaker wire (12/2, 14/2 or whatever) either copper/copper, copper/silver or silver/silver? I've never understood this. It seems to me copper/copper, side by side, dual strand would be the logical choice. Copper is in fact, a great conductor. Upon close observation, my 78' Khorns internal wires are seemingly a 14 gauge or perhaps 16 gauge. The smaller gauge makes sense due to the short distance. What's even more interesting to me is the pairing of wires coming off the AA Board going to the 3 different destinations are; Woofer = silver/silver K-55-V = silver/silver K-77 = silver/silver All speaker destinations (entering the individual speakers) are obviously coated with a slick silver metallic type material. Looks as if they may have been dipped into a silver solder? The same can be said for my 89' LaScala's. The AL-3 boards have the same gauge wires and again, all internal crossover boards & internal speaker destinations are silver/silver wire. This would leave a person to guess that silver/silver paired speaker wire is in fact, the logical choice. Still, I technically do not know what the correct answer would be. Anyone??? Thanks again, Tony
  22. Does anyone know of a good inexpensive online source for good quality heavy gauge speaker wire? Needless to say, there's infinite online options. Hoping someone would be kind enough to save me some time. Much appreciation! Tony
  23. Within a 38' x 26' x 9' room, I have my 2 LaScala's (rears) and Khorns. I have 2 each R-115SW subs up in a loft area high above the room. The corner of choice within the room for the Khorns has large diameter logs within the corners which support the cabin structure therefore, unable to position the horns against the 90 degree walls. The false corners are so I am able to use them in front of the large logs. Kind of a bummer but once again, impossible to eliminate the logs as they're part of the bearing weight/construction design.
  24. Does anyone have any simple yet effective ideas for False Corners? I've seen a few online plans but not very intrigued by them. I certainly don't want to build a 2x4 wall that becomes a 4 1/2" thick eye sore. Any cool ideas would be appreciated. Something simplistic is my goal. Thanks, Tony
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