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Everything posted by Gilgamesh1082

  1. I saw this three times straight on Wednesday. I *love* this film. The battle at Helm's Deep _rocked_. The only bad thing I have to say about this film is that it didn't have the Requiem for a Dream music in it. I was looking for it.
  2. I'm sorry but I'm not sure that I can tell you (curse the NDA). Go check out the forums over at the official website and see if the specs are up.
  3. My Live name is Belgawyn. Look me up for some UC or NFL2K3 action. I'll have Mechassault after Christmas.
  4. I'm in the beta for it myself. Tis cool. And thats all I can say about it.
  5. I refuse to see Red Dragon even though I really want to see it. This is because of Brett Ratner's involvement with the bastardization of the Superman franchise.
  6. I watched it as well and for me, Jack Black saved this awards show. I loved the Spiderman parody (Whoa! Theres a tingly sensation in my arach-nads!) and especially the LotR parody (Its a gift. Damn right its a gift. Its called a Prince Albert and its my preciousssssss..... Hey Gimli when you said you wanted to grow a beard we all said it would look dumb but you did it anyway and now you got the cool Rob Zombie thing going on.). Jack Black oWNz you all.
  7. I loved Bruce Campbell in here as the ring announcer. Also the car Uncle Ben was driving was "The Classic!!!!" For those who don't know, "The Classic" is the first car Sam Raimi ever owned and has been in every single movie he has ever made, from Evil Dead on down. All this despite the fact the car has no engine and has to be put on rails to "run."
  8. I am! Its really great guys. Its going to be like a Hollywood premiere with red carpet and spotlights and everything. They are even transforming the outside of the theater into the Coruscant Night Club and Cantina for donators to dance the night away after the screening.
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