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Everything posted by Bosco-d-gama

  1. Why do you “hate” to say that masks need to be worn? What is so awful and hard about wearing a mask? There’s an entire holiday where people wear masks for fun (Halloween) so why the angst about wearing them now? The answer is a behavioral ‘twirk ’. Too many souls are way overly sensitive to accepting the directions of others regardless of practicality, safety or common sense. Don’t begrudgingly accommodate the need to wear a mask. Champion the need. It is so insanely simple that everyone should relish participating in doing something that can truly make a huge difference in life....... whether they understand it, or agree with it.
  2. Actually there are annual campaigns conducted to obtain mosquito netting for malaria impacted regions and there are new malaria drugs ready for application. Also some enterprising biochemist is attempting to make antiviral drugs from mosquito ‘spit’ acknowledging that mosquitoes do not actually suffer from the diseases they carry, they are just vectors. Mosquitoes are immune to these ailments.
  3. People really need to see this link. It shows the pace of covid19 deaths relative to other forms of death for the 1st part of this year. It is sobering.
  4. Boy you folks can meander off topic easily........😳😁
  5. Y’know we can parse the data up any number of ways. The facts on the ground evidence themselves. We have more active cases. We have more hospitalizations. We have a resurgence that varies regionally. The disease remains serious in the short term and an unknown in the longer term. We’d all be better off w/o more of this disease and the steps to do that are not hard. Why we have this ‘duh’ factor amazes me. But for some $hit don’t stink unless it’s on their shoes.
  6. And it’s a ‘rolling’ average without any depiction of standard deviations. It’s muddled and you’re correct - it does not convey much useful detailed information.
  7. And what? It’s an on-going pandemic and yes America leads to pack in new infections. Izzat what you want me to say?
  8. Here’s an interesting article studying the transmissions of viruses in general. It was done prior to the covid19 emergence but applies to its epidemiology. https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/virome-manhattan-jeffery-shaman-columbia-covid-19-180975172/
  9. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/national/coronavirus-us-cases-deaths/?itid=sf_coronavirus
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/media/dr-oz-covid-19-americans-sloppy-virus-not-done In areas where the covid19 resurgence is occurring the rates of hospitalization and deaths are increasing. If the rate of demise is less than before it will be because medicine has learned how to better manage cases and that the health systems are not (as yet) overwhelmed with the acutely ill.
  11. The resurgence of covid19 is not solely an American situation. Covid19 is now just part of humanities subset of pathogens. Until we find ways to prevent it medically we get to rely upon individuals to apply the knowledge given them on how best to contain the virus. If they are irresponsible, stupid or skeptically in denial and facilitate the spread of covid19 they should be made to prepare the dead for burial. Maybe THEN they’d gain more respect for such a nasty organism https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-53175459
  12. How do you catch covid19? Here’s an article from WSJ offering its perspectives. Basically it says that you need to practically ‘hang out’ with someone who’s infected. This explains why younger people are now getting, and spreading covid19. 1st they have to ignore all precautions, no masks, etc...... 2nd they gotta go hang out in a high density setting that is poorly ventilated and get exposed to some other idiot also not wearing a mask but who actually has the disease. The silver lining is that these huge protest are outdoors. So it is the lowbrow younger party hardy souls feeding their gregariously covid19 depleted lifestyles that now succor the virus. Good going. If you think of the country as on a creaky unstable raft barely allowed to be free from covid19 quarantine these idiots are standing tall and rocking the boat....... and they may sink it for us all. https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-exactly-do-you-catch-covid-19-there-is-a-growing-consensus-11592317650
  13. Prayers for you both...... you take it easy too...... hoping the very best.
  14. Goes to show ya that they do make things bigger in Texas.😉
  15. More ‘new’ news about covid19 symptoms.... https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20200622-the-long-term-effects-of-covid-19-infection
  16. Most do not understand ‘what’ they are fighting. Unfortunately our leaders and the media have more vested in driving agendas than rallying the country into any cohesive program/mindset to combat this monster. The adversary here is not ‘persons’ or ‘platforms’. Essentially it is the same as the alien embryo exploding from your chest. It is a teensy virus evolved to infect animals and kill them as a matter of survival. They do not care about anything. Their biggest vulnerability is that they are ‘dumb’. They do not work by design but by default. The more we know about them the more predictable they become and we can use our wisdom to help defeat them. But............ humanities biggest vulnerability is that too many of us are dumber than the virus.
  17. The current generations ‘know’ and sadly ‘believe’ what they’ve been taught/indoctrinated about pretty much anything, wars included. Many of these same folks will proclaim that those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it. Yet they do not have any practical grasp on history...... just academic perspectives based on theory more than reality. We will see many ‘well intended’ repeats of history in many of life’s arenas.
  18. Here’s a no brainer. Closing the toilet seat lid before flushing. We’ve known for a long time that the violent eddy/whirlpool that drives a single toilet flush also generates and propels a micro aerosol cloud of whatever ‘content’ is being flushed. And if the lid is left open this aerosol is released into the room. It gets deposited on floors, counters - toothbrushes, anything left exposed. There are many diseases spread through waste products. Historically human waste has been a well documented source of infection. It does not need to be ‘chunks’ of the stuff to spread disease. Just like a ‘cough’ that toilet can mechanically spew infected aerosols. If nothing else consider the cleanliness factor. Ever been in a bathroom where the floor is all sticky around the toilet? People think this is from ‘men’ who ‘miss aim’ their business. Nope - not entirely, most of it is urine deposited from aerosols from anyone who flushed with the seat up. And it stinks too. https://abcnews.go.com/Health/closing-lid-flush-lessen-spreading-coronavirus-forget-panic/story?id=71383765
  19. Colloidal silver got a pretty bad rap. This stuff is actually pretty useful IF you understand it’s application. It is used a lot in veterinary medicine. It is an antibiotic. Silver has been known to kill bacteria for a long time. They used to toss a silver coin into raw milk as a preservative. It’s like most things. Use it correctly and it works correctly.
  20. Found an interesting covid19 article. https://futurism.com/neoscope/scientists-mapped-every-atom-coronavirus-spikes
  21. No - you do not understand. I do not feel guilty. I am weary of the media attempting to make me feel guilty. It is an annual event. ‘’America you are bad because of the abomb’’. Instead we should be thanked for the blood and treasure sacrifices undertaken to prevail in that ugly war.
  22. Sorry I forgot the link for my prior post. It’s there now. Time magazine recounting the memories of atomic bomb attacks. National Geographic just published a similar story. Some of us get tire of getting brow beaten with the guilt stick over ‘no’ brainer issues. Obviously you do not mind, or do not care. So conversely you do not care how Americans feel about it either. Some of us get offended..... deeply. Don’t understand that? Do you?
  23. Find me the article written for the Japanese by a Japanese Journal telling the woeful stories of the survivors of their surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, or the the rape of Nanking. This is the debate. The mindset some thrive on attempting to eternally slam down the ‘shame’ card over our use of the atomic bombs. So find me where anything similar happens to the Japanese public over any of their many WW2 atrocities. https://time.com/after-the-bomb/
  24. In hindsight many aver that Japan was militarily beaten and that all we needed to do was go into a siege mode and starved them into submission. No invasion needed, just time and due diligence in a tight blockade. In a perfect world maybe that would’ve worked. But in 1945 not so much. For starts Japan would’ve allowed millions to die of starvation. Life was cheap for them. 2ndly many forget that the USSR was very aggressively engaging Japan and had occupied some of their northern islands. Stalin did not want victory as much as expansion - he wanted land and control. In fact it has been suggested that Japan surrendered more from fear of the USSR invading than from the atomic bombs. Stalin would not have agreed to a siege and if allowed would’ve enveloped Japan in to the USSR sphere of control. Another difficult issue in this arena is that today’s Japan is not all that contrite about their WW2 activities. They do not bow their heads in shame as many expect from atomic America. Interesting contrast there.
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