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Everything posted by y2keglide

  1. I did the OTR for a while and hated it, love working local and home every night. I work for a small outfit that does a wide variety of different jobs, been pulling containers this past couple weeks but do a lot of end dump and side dump work. Was flatbedding crushed cars a couple weeks ago, always changing up do I don't get bored with the job and I make pretty good money too.
  2. Probably not, I drive a day cab.🤠
  3. ........when I'm driving and I drive a lot being as I do it for a living in big rigs. So I had a profound thought today, if you played Mike Oldfield Tubular Bells on a tube amp with Klipsch Belles it would be totally tubular belles. I'd bet some one here probably has. lol
  4. I still love spinning vinyl more than any other media, there's just something about it.
  5. I ‘m pretty much on my own,just need to be able to move them around in the room without scratching the floor.
  6. So I bought these Klipschorns and boy are these dudes heavy! What do ya'll use to move big heavy speakers around without damaging the floor? I have hardwood in my listening room and used a hand truck and all the muscle I have left in my 62 year old bod to get them upstairs and I'm thinking about something like these to move things around. I have two Speakerlab K-horns in place now and did scratch the floor a little moving them in and now I plan on moving them out and putting the Klipschorns in their place. Anyone tried these or have a better system?
  7. S I have a line on an HH Scott two piece tuner/preamp and amp set that's 28wpc,might be all I need 'eh? Forgot to get model numbers but will find out, the owner is a tech that just serviced my Marantz 2240 and said he will be selling the Scott when it's finished. It looked very nice cosmetically and will have just been serviced by a pro, not sure on the price seemed it a little high at $1500 for the set but I don't have a clue the value of these units. I know it's less than many tube amps I've seen for sale so maybe reasonable considering there's a tuner and preamp? Edit: on another forum I found the prior owner, gotta love the interweb and I'm sure it is his set so I now have the model numbers. It's an HH SCOTT model 355 tuner with built in preamp & a 208 tube amp.
  8. Well after a 69 hour work week I didn't have much left in me but I did manage to get the new Crites tweeters installed tonight. The mounting holes were a little smaller than the holes in the original tweeters and they wouldn't slide on, not sure why but they were easy enough to drill out. After work I drove up to Kelso,Wa to pick up my Marantz 2240 after a service and new blue lights . He has an HH Scott tube tuner/preamp and tube amp set I might buy from him to go with these K-horns,forgot what model but he said it has 28 wpc. I'll be taking my Thorens turntable in for a tune up service and new stylus and cartridge as well if needed. Then I'll be ready to spin some vinyl in style.
  9. So I often see the debate about tubes VS solid state but that's not my question. I've read tubes are warmer and have better sound quality (debatable for some) but high power solid state really cranks at higher volumes. I listen a wide variety of genres of music which got me to thinking. I might want to hear tubes for something like Satchmo and Ella doing Summertime or Lady day doing Fine and mellow one day and later on I might be in a rock mood and want to really blast Get you Wings from Aerosmith or some Led Zep or SRV etc. So I got to thinking "why not set up some switching and have both?" I'm looking at a few different pieces including a new The Dynaco ST-70 Series 3 rated 35wpc and a used Phase Linear I have a line on rated 250wpc. I also have a Kenwood Eleven G receiver 125wpc and a Marantz 2240 currently. Anyone else doing this? Am I all wrong headed? Your thoughts?
  10. Do tell, looks like you live near his hood.
  11. I ordered new tweeters for my K-horns Sunday night and they were in my hands Wednesday afternoon! That’s great service.
  12. We are better known for sasquatch out here but UFOs do persist as well. That however is a UFB (unidentified flying bird). I live on the east slope of Yacolt Mountain. https://sasquatchchronicles.com/the-yacolt-sighting/
  13. Well I only have to please myself as these will be keepers but I will make them look great,I do like refinishing things like this Kenwood Eleven G I'm almost done with. Here's a few before and after pics. I got it for free not working but found it needed pre-out jacks in the back and got it working so I cleaned it (it was filthy) then sent it in for a service and new LED lights while I refinished the wood case.
  14. No No not Seattle kid lol! I usually avoid that city like the plague,I'm a native of Orygun actually but live way out in the sticks of SW Washington near Mt.St.Helens. I am way out west though. I plan to send the crossovers to Crites for a rebuild along with the original tweeters even though I bought new tweeters. This is the view from my place.
  15. Seattle area, I think prices out here are typically higher. I’m closer to Portland actually, have never seen a set for less than $3000 asking price around these parts. There’s a rough looking set on Portland Craigslist with no extras asking $3000 right now.
  16. F’n new guy🤠
  17. Thanks I think so too, first set I've seen for under $3000 close enough to go get and I've been looking at them for years. It was still nearly 4 hours one way so Sunday was a bit of a road trip.
  18. OK, we'll see if I can post some pics. The original owner bought them in plain fir plywood industrial grade with no side covers etc. and then covered them in shag carpet lmao! The guy I got them from is the second owner, he had them for 30 years and couldn't dig the shag look so that came off. He ordered emblems and speaker cloth and side cover kits from Klipsch and then covered the plywood left showing with this ugly grey Formica. I'm not digging the grey stuff so it's coming off when I get a chance, probably have to wait 'till summer.. I've thought about it quite a bit and as much as I'd like to veneer them I think given what they've already been through and how much trouble it would be to clean them up well enough to do it I'm going to just do another p-lam job with a nice textured wood grain look. There are some plastic laminates made these days that are hard to tell from real wood without looking close and it will be super durable and almost stain proof besides being a whole lot easier to do.
  19. Thanks guys, I'll put up some pics soon and a funny storyline about what they look like now and my plans to change the look. I'm a retired cabinetmaker turned truck driver so I have some skills but not as much time as I'd like. Happy Monday, off to work now.
  20. Hello Klipsch fans! New guy here, just bought my first set of Klipschorns and I'll be learning all I can by reading posts here before I start asking questions. Just wanted to check in and say howdy, been enjoying my little Marantz 2240 with a pair of KG4's for years but stepping up my game now and found a great deal on the K-horns. (1972 C models I was told, Type K.D.F.R on the tag inside) I got them for $1200 and was told one bad tweeter diaphragm, just ordered two new tweeters from Crites so I'm only in them for $1400 so far. Anyway glad to be here and looking foreword to learning all I can about these beasts. Regards,Dean
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