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Everything posted by grasshopper

  1. you guys would love my wife's secretary. She a Bronx raised girl. She's the negotiator.
  2. whose idea was it to mix it with tobacco...?
  3. Mornin' All Pushed thru a couple cups of leftover coffee. Into some fresh... There are some excessive warmth advisories for the SW... It gonna have to do some gittin' to make excessive here.... it can't be 50`. @babadono "Stoner" seems a little harsh. Hempiphile sounds much nicer. ... a stoner would be smoking the sweepings from my floor How's everyone today? I "slept in"... it was after 4 when I got up. I'm being "quiet"....in the doghouse, listening to music. Watched a couple fishing shows, picked burrs from the cat's....... tail. Scooter is maintenance intensive. Long hair....Not as easy to work as Chuckie. I can take the vacuum to her. She doesn't mind.. .much. Chuckie plays with the vacuum.
  4. I had some weed that smelled like sour vomit. After a good year or two cure/aging, it calmed down.
  5. mostly Maui Wowie with a little bit of Labrador Am I driving OK? I think you are parked y'all notice the logs TommyChong is beating the drums with? this and TheBluesBrothers are my favorite movies. I will watch them in Spanish, even
  6. Yeah... like after you have eaten the ice cream.
  7. Yes put on one helluva show. That was a tough act to follow
  8. Hack hack hack hack hack when I saw them Yes was the "warm up" band with Fragile and BS was doing IronMan... what's that? Paranoid?
  9. Had to make myself a "cocktail" ... coke and milk. Kid was watching "Grandpa, is that good?" "Yeah. Wanna try it?" Takes a sip and makes a bit of a face. then back to the doghouse.... later I go into the house. Trying to tell wife about it... She's snickering. Kid asked her for coke and milk..."I watched Grandpa... I know how to do it"... told wife I didn't think she liked it... from the face she made
  10. Maine might have places like that. They did go legal.
  11. This sounds very familiar we used to sit around a table. Pass a joint. Drink coffee... Play cribbage Eat [pastries... HaHaHa] anything in sight..
  12. took the words from my mouth Richie
  13. that confirms a suspicion of mine.... good hash and good flowers have about the same percentage of active ingredients. In some circles, hash is a by-product... It's not really concentrated. Just less bulky
  14. that's how it's done. Makes "cowboy coffee" look more like "the old way". Sans cardomon and ginger. Can't imagine any cowboy putting girly spices in their coffee. Like a cowboy settling up to the bar and asking for a whiskey ... and coke
  15. Coffee came from the MiddleEast. Ethiopia has some very good beans this Kona isn't my favorite. It's medium-dark roast. Maybe a light roast would be more to my liking.
  16. I got coffee NOW... it was ready last night.... so what if it's leftover and cold... it is COFFEE .... and it is still better than instant nothin' exciting today , yet I heard there is a big party at the lake. I'll leave all the peripheral stuff out... hope they have good time and stay safe being antisocial, I wouldn't have gone there even if there wasn't a party. If there is a crowd gathering, I'm going the opposite direction. I stay home on holidays Wife got bombed, again, last night. not drunk bombed". If it continues, I may have to wheel her home from the bar.... No sooner than she walked in the door, the phone and things that "need" done... Was 8 before she sat down. reminds me of when I first started working on Kauai. 6 weeks of, "We think you might gt tomorrow off. We'll call you" I decided it was time for a day off. Went to the liquor store at 8AM. Plowed by 9 when the phone rang went kind like this Ring Ring Ring I pick up the phone, "Burph!!" "Um... we're gonna give you the day off"
  17. Using vintage equipment... I am using the headphone jack to RCA same as I do with the computer. Same input on the receiver. The sound is different
  18. I have a question related to... hang on to your seats .... audio Am noticing that using the sat tv as a music source, it is very bright sounding compared to CD or computer streaming. Do they tweak things?
  19. moderation is the key. Sounds like you are doing fine. Sucks about the script that doesn't agree with you.
  20. Congrats on all the years of sobriety. last time I was near a tornado was in IN. I was working at a window factory. It was just the shipping dept in the building.... I was in the plant and looked out the ventilator.... The light coming in was that pea soup green. I opted for being outdoors, away from all the extruded aluminum and glass
  21. I don't know about that... ... I knew/worked with a guy that put vodka in his coffee. I wouldn't recommend vodka in coffee. I had an idea for a beverage. Carbonated coffee. Since I am incapable of an original thought .... I bet someone has already done it. @JohnJ "30 years removed from it " ... what? Wake and bake or being called a stoner? just messin' wit ya...
  22. oh was asking wife if everyone at the school got as much food as us? More ...The families each got two boxes. One was full of meat. Very cool
  23. I reserve the "bake" until I'm had my customary 4 cups of coffee. now... back when I was a kid, it was good fun to "shotgun" a friend awake. Baked before waking How's everyone today? Don't know what flavor coffee I'm drinking this AM ... sure is good. I know its the "same ol', same ol".... just tastes better today. Wife's brought home another bag of Kona. Her secretary got a care package from HI...I keep asking for a chunk of ahi...There was a time when I was actually tired of eating it. TBH I like the big aku [skipjack tuna] better. Someone [ @JohnJ ?] was asking who sees the sunrise? I do. I can't remember the last time I wasn't up an hour or two prior. Just my nature. Always have been an early riser. By the time it gets light enough to see, I am ready to do something. too quiet. See how long it takes spot to load. Only getting 1 bar at the doghouse. I need to build another "shed" out here... One with water.... and a toilet. Then, I can make coffee and have a place to put it when I'm done... That didn't take long to load up. We have music. no plans for today. Last day of school for wife. I think she has an "in service" day Tues... When they would normally clean up end of the year stuff. We will both be glad she is "on vacation". This working from home really cramps my time to do housework. I try to be quiet while she is "working"... I spend a lot of time in the yard or doghouse.
  24. I said that to a friend... He asks, "You don't drink less, do you?" that was Collin on Kauai. Older gent. Says he worked for BBC in China... me thinks MI-5. Interesting guy.
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