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  1. I have the same combo ,Khorns and eico, and it's out of this world. Me too...had a low full bodied hum emanate one day. Being trained as a youngster to whack on the side of the TV to improve performance I proceded to ...gently...wiggle and prod the tudes and above chassis components. The metal can cap turned out to be the piece that when pushed this way or that made the hum.I sprayed the big solder lug on the bottom with deoxit and positioned it just so and that solved the problem until I could replace it. Got a new can from vibroworld for $30 shipped.No more hum dead quiet.Also any other parts you wish to upgrade ala mobiles and roger stevens eico pages are worth dollars on the penny, each replacement kicked mine up a notch or two.What a HUGE SOUND.Gotta love it. Mabey it's your can too...hope this helps
  2. I 've got a nakamichi st-7 that can deliver cd quality sound with a good signal on fm broadcasts. I think they went new for about $900(whew). I grabbed mine on ebay for $325. I love it. Check out www.antennaperformance.com for vintage and new tuners that they recommend. I purchased an antenna from them that is suberb...FM=free music
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