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Posts posted by LOADEDTUNES

  1. A rear projection TV and dual Klipschorn tophat's  well above the normal listening height and a mis-matched center channel - Whhaaaaaaaaatttttt?







    I'm thinking any HT system consisting of 4 k-horns is pretty impressive ! iregaurdless of how you spin it



    BTW : DW posted that pic 15 or 20 years ago ,i think your being Baited

  2. The loons have kept some at bay for years ... couple of us canucks keep in touch via E-mail but leave the forum to the " look at what i got now " , and find our technical data elsewhere .

  3. I think dale did mention the seller was an older gentleman , i know my parents who are thier late 80's avoid new technoligy like the plauge !!

    PS : another good find dale , did you ever buy those cornwalls for $600.00 canadain ??? I never seen another post about those , just wondering if you scored another killer deal .

  4. ----------------

    On 1/18/2005 1:56:59 PM Fish wrote:

    Yes,you can set the front,center and surr all to different crossover from 40 to 120 I think,sub too for that matter.

    I use to have a rotel surround processor ( trade up to the Krell ) and no place in the setup menu was a crossover adjustment . All channels get full range unless you configure to " small " speakers which i always found was a mistake irregaurdless of what speakers i was using unless we want to refer to tiny bookshelves which is not really the case here .

    Which rotel processor are you refering to that has a crossover adjustment within the audio options menu ?

  5. ----------------

    On 9/14/2004 7:17:06 PM morrowaudio wrote:

    NOTE: Please do not ask me questions about this system through this forum


    ??????????? What exactly do you think a forum is for !!!! here we ask

    questions and get answers .

    I suggest going back to e-bay or audiogon , this system has already been talked about on another thread a few weeks back . No one here is into spending that kinda coin to run rather inexpensive klipsch speakers , at least no one i'm aware of .

    Dam this place is turning into buy&sell.com .

  6. I picked up a pair of 1985 klipschorns " B STYLE " in oak from saskatoon saskatchewan ( thats also in canada for those who don't know , lol ) about 9 months ago and paid $1700.00 canadian .

    The deals are out there , you just have to look . Don't expect someone to knock on your door or phone you just because your looking !!! It takes a bit of hunting and time , but the deals are there .

    To belittle someone else because of there location or skill in aquiring something you can't find just goes to show your own total lack of class .

  7. Item 5718501186

    Style c klipschorns advertised as walnut that look like stained birch to me but i have'nt seen them in person so i can't say for sure .

    The funny part of the add is when the seller states that the " wheels " have come off one of the speaker but " That can be fixed easy " . lol

    There's another pair on e-bay that look like they've been standing in water from the staining on the lower bin .

    Amazing how abused some of this stuff gets .

  8. Try going to the doctor and getting the excess ear wax removed from your ears.

    I've been working heavy construction all summer with tons of noise all day , one day about 2 week ago one ear when almost silent ( dislodged a big chunk of wax ) Doctor cleaned out both ears and man my head hurt for a few days till my body made some more for protection .

    Amazing protection devise the old body has built in .

  9. ----------------

    On 7/20/2004 2:18:13 PM RAPTORMAN wrote:

    Has anybody here heard other horn speakers?? I was surfing the net and there's quite a bit out there. I wonder if those would sound better than my Khorns.


    How long of a list would you like ?

    As far as something sounding better then klipschorns , well , it all depends on amplification ,source , listening habits , musical preference and last but not least room size and or acoustics .

    In other words there is no answer to your last question but to A/B test in your room with your ears with your gear . No one else can honestly answer what your asking .

  10. Some people do little research of there own and get talked into buying something ( from otheres that know even less ) that just can't or won't do the job there after .

    The amp is just one component in the chain , if it is a poor match for the rest then your sure to be disappointed . Thats not to say it's the amps fault .

  11. My sister has the best snake story ever !!!

    She was sitting on the toilet one morning reading the paper doing her morning chours when all of a sudden something tapped her on the *** !!!

    She leaped off the biffy about 3 feet into the air !! There coiled up inside the bowl was not her morning steamer but a dam snake !!!!!

    Poor girl is scared to death to take a crap anymore .

    Ends up the last tenents of her apartment had lost a snake and it was living thoughout the building buy passing through the duct work.

  12. ----------------

    On 7/19/2004 1:46:58 PM gullahisland wrote:

    Not that I'm trying to hold back the wolves...but I've already contacted the seller (last night) as I have been on the lookout for a pair for quite awhile.

    If you don't mind...I'd really like 'em


    If thats the case then who's belles are those you pictured in the show your 2 channel gear thread ?

    Looks to me like you already have belles .

  13. ----------------

    On 6/21/2004 9:16:43 PM paulparrot wrote:

    Good, then it's resolved. The Klipschorn is the finest loudspeaker system in the world, and Edgar, JBL, B&W, etc. are not even close.


    Yup !! as if this thread has'nt tiptoed on the vurge of intervention yet you want to throw out some fresh bait and liven things up again, good work paul


  14. Theres just something that makes you feel good inside when an animal of that size trusts you totaly, i don't mean just to ride but even when they walk up to you and want to be touched , very social creatures indeed .

    Just like dogs and cats and any other pets that can't talk , they offer there effection in ways that we all seem to be able to pick up on , what aways amazeses me is there ability to sense childern compared to adults , i've rarely seen a horse harm a child regaurdless of there size .

  15. When i think of " ROCK " bands that excite and move me, bands that come to mind

    Like AC/DC , thats rock music in my mind . Rolling stones is like "pop " stuff not rock . Soft rock bands that come to mind are bands like styx and the eagles .

    But if were keeping to the topic heading of " rock " then AC/DC has stood up for a lot of years and still sound good.

  16. ----------------

    On 5/28/2004 5:33:41 PM dylanregan wrote:

    Tell me if I'm wrong. I have found 4 pair of Belle's for sale over the last month, all of which were going for $2500 to $3500. That may seem overpriced, but if that's what the market will bare...


    I'm with Dale on this one , $2500.00 is steep for used belles of any shape

    $3500.00 is just plain silly. If your buying early 80's used belles in that price range then your paying " more " then they were worth new at that time .

    Belles are all about looks anyway , the lascala does the same job for less money . Plus the k-horn ( used ) outshines it at a lower price, very rare do i see them going much over 2k on e-bay . Private deals are even less money , i bought my 1985 k's for $1600.00 canadian ( around $1300.00 usd )

    no way i'd pay an extra $1000.00 to 2000.00 on top of that for a pair of belles.

  17. I don't know how i set up my profile when i first came here a few years back "BUT " all replies to threads i started came to my e-mail address as well as the board.

    Maybe thats the case we have here ?

    If not i've got a nice trojen worm stored away that i can E-mail to you , i'm sure that will put an end to your computer problems once and for all .11.gif Even norton won't be able to stop this baby , she's a real deep digger !!!!

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