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Everything posted by LOADEDTUNES

  1. As a former coach i sadly have to take Dales side on this issue. Although we have tried to teach and bestill the right choices to our young players they unfortunatly make to many wrong choices of there own. Drugs are part of every sport, admit it or not there still there. These young boys see the money and fame right in front of there noses and can't wait to mature in there own time to reach there goals. Dale : are you saying steriods were part of "your" junior hockey program ?
  2. DALE : you are truly a freak in need of some couch time. lol !! Thanx for sending me the info on that threshold amp,i do believe i have it wired correct now. I firmly believe garbage can be transmitted though ac lines. My gear goes crazy when the wife fires up a electric knife or mix master.
  3. I'm new to this forum and realize this topic may have been cover'ed before. I have been kicking around the idea of bi-wiring my 1988 k-horns, they have the ak-2 network. I have removed the panel on the lower bin and it seems to me that the head sections wiring is related some how to the caps and coil that are in the bottom ? Is bi-wiring as easy as unpluging the headsection and running the two units separate or is there other wiring that needs to be done ?
  4. I'll give credit were credit is due , i can't believe some of you guys who venture into unknown territory with an open mind. Hats off for the effort My gear is all stock and i have to rely on my local shop for info. I'm greatfull for this forum and the open minded folks that post and reply.I will be sure to ask for advise here first as you guys seem to venture into the unknown waters often. Nothing like learning from someone elses mistakes, costs less money and time. lol
  5. I'm still working on her !! as with good wine everything comes in time. I think she's trying to pick out the right bikini to match my speakers.
  6. Hey dale !! off topic, but let me know when your building new cabinets. maybe you could spin me up some bottom bins in oak the same as the ones you built for yourself.You said before that you still had some speaker cloth left over from the last set, do you have enough left ?
  7. My personal assistant is a ex-model , i'll ask her if she will pose on my belles and if she will let me post it for you. Very nice 38's , cross your fingers.
  8. Very intresting design dale,maybe you could send me the design for the bottom bin ? Were did you get matching speaker cloth from ? I see from the picture you edge banded the headsection and cut back the overlap how did you manage that without tearing up the wood? looks like a very pro job!!!
  9. DALE : well someone has done their homework !! you have nothing to be sorry about, i've read some nastier replies than you got.Seems like some use the forum to flex there own ego's. Keep posting there are some good guy's in this forum you just have to find them.
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