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Everything posted by rotorhead

  1. I for one would not like to see the world held hostage by these obviously insane people. I wonder what would happen if those jerks got hold of nuclear weapons . i can see them holding the world hostage to their demands .whatever demands they see fit to impose on the rest of us. i think hussein needs to be removed from power. damn the consequences. my younger sister was in the twin towers on vacation 3 days before they were destroyed....too close for my taste. how many innocent hard working people are going to die before we take action and purge the WORLD of this burden in the middle east. they will not get along with the rest of the world ever... they have demonstrated this time and time again . i am a biased individual. i feel that people in this country should be able to send their kids to school without worrying about some insane terrorist attack. those terrorists were ON THE JETS THEY RAN INTO THE BUILDINGS !!!! do you think their ideals are sound ? i think we should go over there and do the neutron dance , then in a week or so send our engineers into the refineries to start pumping oil for us , the great white satan . or whatever the f%$$ they call us. i expect hate mail from this post , thats OK. I believe in freedom of speech.
  2. see my other posts , the 4.1 sounds awesome when it works . some seem to have problems , others dont . best of luck . rotorhead
  3. that buzz you describe is normal when powering down the set . i am not 100% sure if its what i think it is but , i think its a high frequency switching power supply for the amp... mine buzzes also when turned off .hope this helps ease your mind . also search my other posts for a description of the components you mentioned . rotorhead
  4. ---------------- On 2/3/2003 1:30:50 PM Snuf wrote: I have sent my sub off to be fixed for very similar problems....static, right channel louder than left, distortion, etc. I hope to have it fixed, just as soon as Fedex gets off their a$$ and retrieves it from the wrong delivery address and takes to Klipsch like they should have a week ago. If it doesn't get fixed properly, 50-50 chance from what I have seen here, I would be very interested in seeing what you have done to correct yours, especially the acrylic amp case. Any chance you can post a pic or two? ---------------- sure snuf , i will post pics in a few days . i loaned my digital camera to a friend . as soon as he gets back i will snap some shots of it . rotorhead
  5. I found the heatsinking inside the amp to be quite inadequate. i found a resistor that really should have been heat-sinked(or)aluminum case. sitting alone on the board, the board brown from overheating and the solder on said component (R12) looked re-melted .i was having problems with low volume static on my system . after returning a set only to experience the same problem again i decided to open it up and look at the guts of the amp. i wont pretend to be an electrical engineer , but i know a few things . i know transistors HATE HEAT . i ran the amp open air for hours listening to the sats as the amp was exposed . there was no static AT ALL . even at the lowest audible levels. where when installed in the case the static would get so bad i felt like tossing them out the window . the output transistors on the amp were always cool .(class D)? with the power switched off at the preamp , the internals of the sub are so hot it hurts to hold fingers to the heatsinks , never mind R12 - it is EXTREMELY HOT .i wonder why klipsch designed an amplifier/power supply that does not truly switch off when powered off at the preamp . when left unplugged to cool for a couple hours , the system sounded fine for a while , about 30 minutes later it was bad again . i have since corrected the problem by removing the amp from the sub case and placing it in its own fan cooled acrylic enclosure. (looks cool too) i replaced the missing amp in the case with wood to maintain internal volume . it sounds great and i have had no further problems from the system . i was looking at their new boy-racer set, i will wait and look for the reviews on them........ hope i have not offended anyone , that was not my intention . just would like to hear what others think about what i have done. rotorhead
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