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  1. I am planning on purchasing a pair of KI-396 for about $1600 each because I want a speaker that can put out tons and tons of power in a relatively small package. The 396 seems to fit the bill, however I keep looking at the JTR 212HT as well. I know the 212HT is super high quality and will also sound very god, but is $1900 each and does not have as good of a horn and probably has an equal CD for the highs. What are your guy's thoughts on the comparison between these two speakers, and is there another speaker I should consider under $2000 that can also compete with these ones?
  2. Greetings, I am looking for a set of pro speakers and I am in need of some information from everybody. From what I have read, the KPT-904 is one of the best pro speakers to buy and I would love a chance to get a pair. I looked at the JBL 4722 but I want to go with the kpt-904s as I dont see an advantage with the JBLs. However, if somebody thinks the JBL 4722 is better, I would love to hear your input. I have also read the KI-396-SMA-II is an amazing speaker and i am interested, but is about $1000 more than the kpt-904 per speaker, so there is noway I am spending more to get less. However, the cinema version of the KI-396-SMA-II is the kPT-396, which intrigues me because perhaps the price is lower because its a surround speaker, but I cannot find a price for it anywhere online or any information. If the kpt-396 is much cheaper than the KI-396-SMA-II, I may want to go with that route. Also, i have not found an easy way to purchase the kpt-904 as there is no website i can directly order from. If anybody can shed some light on the kpt-396, where to get it and the price its sold at, that would be helpful. If anybody knows a good place around the Seattle area to purchase a pair of kpt-904s, used or new, it would also be greatly appreciated. My setup will be mainly 95% for movies, and I plan on building a pair of GSG Devastator subwoofers later on down the road but probably not for a while. Thank you all for your help.
  3. UPDATED LIST 8/11/2018 THEY ARE SOLD AND ALL GONE. THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR SUPPORTING THE KLIPSCH MUSEUM OF AUDIO HISTORY. THANK YOU KLIPSCH (especially @Chief bonehead) FOR THE GENEROUS DONATION OF EXCESS INVENTORY!!! Thank you @bhendrix @kharmondds @dtel for all of the sales support, research, photography, set up and assistance. We have some more stuff coming like some new Heritage speakers that WILL BLOW YOU AWAY. Stay tuned.  FOR SALE to MEMBERS of the Klipsch Heritage Museum Assocation, Inc. d/b/a Klipsch Museum of Audio History KLIPSCH SPEAKER SALE (OPEN TO ALL MEMBERS) Featuring Klipsch Heresy’s (Chief Bonehead Editions), Klipsch Professional Theater Speakers (“KPT”) and Klipsch Permanent Installation Speakers (“KI series”) MEMBERSHIP DRIVE AND FUNDRAISER for the Klipsch Museum of Audio History The Klipsch Forum the Klipsch Heritage Museum Association, Inc. (KHMA) which operates the Klipsch Museum of Audio History recently received a generous donation of Klipsch speakers they had in excess inventory. These speakers were used as “demo” speakers from trade shows, speaker demonstrations and tested in installations. When they were returned to Klipsch in Hope, Arkansas they were all tested at the factory by the head of Quality Assurance and determined to be in excellent working order. The KHMA has decided to use these speakers to encourage people to join KHMA by initially offering them only to MEMBERS of the KHMA, and . . . As a special “thank you” YOU, our Members The Officers of KHMA wanted this be an additional benefit to show our thanks to all of YOU for stepping up first and in a substantial way. A very big thank you to our largest contributor and sponsor Klipsch Group, Inc. for this colossal donation of speakers. Friends, there are no pink headphones or “crap audio ” in this list. Now for the speakers. The Thanks “UP-FRONT” Kevin Harmon, KHMA Trustee and Khorn Corps member, personally inspected all of these speakers and they were photographed by Khorn Corps Member Elden Luquet, husband of KHMA Trustee and Secretary, Christy Luquet. Kevin, as many of you know, has bought and sold a lot of Klipsch Professional, KPT and KI speakers over the years. Bill Hendrix supplied a wealth of information on these speakers. He has owned practically every KPT and KI product we are offering for sale, as well as used them to set up sound for his church and other settings. A tremendous shout of thanks to Jim Hunter for picking up these speakers from KGI and taking them to our new annex building out near the airport. Finally, thanks to Chief Bonehead, Trustee Roy Delgado, Jr., for suggesting to KGI they donate these speakers in the first place, filling in some technical information here and there, AND, agreeing to sign the Chief Bonehead Heresy’s. Physical Condition of these speakers varies from “good” up to “excellent”. They have been photographed and you can view all photos and judge the condition of these speakers for yourself by going to one of the following links: Speaker Photos Dropbox link with “hi-res” photos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4lx0uurp15zbsxs/AABr3we9ERoj0ASDYBGJYV4ha?dl=0 The Dropbox folder includes a Subfolder with the photos of the Chief Bonehead Edition Heresy IIIs. Or They are up in the Klipsch Forums Photo Gallery here: https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/gallery/album/394-klipsch-museum-pro-speaker-sale/ Part II https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/gallery/album/395-klipsch-museum-pro-speaker-sale-part-2/ The Hersey Photos can be seen in the Klipsch Forum here: https://community.klipsch.com/index.php?/topic/175943-almost-here-museum-selling-kpt-and-ki-speakers-and-chief-bonehead-h3s/&page=4 LIST of Speakers and PRICES See the attached pdf file for the list of speakers and prices. If you are unable to open please contact me immediately! HOW TO PURCHASE Keep in mind these speakers are local pick-up only in Hope, Arkansas. (see below under “Terms”). We will accept offers to purchase by email to travis@klipschmuseum.org It will be first come, first served, based upon date-timestamp of the email. The attached list has “item” numbers. Simply send me a reply email that says something like: “I will take Item(s) H1 and H2, the pair of Chief Bonehead Heresy IIIs.” That’s it, I will send you a reply email advising you if you were first, and if so, where and how to pay. NOTE: In some cases, we have multiple pairs of speakers. For example, 1 pairs of 396s, plus a set of three (3) 396s, about five (5) 684 subs. If you wish to put in your email something like “if Items H1 and H2 are already sold, then I will take Items H3 and H4” and it will help ensure that you are “first in line” on your second choice backup pair. Payment will be due within five (5) days of the date of your purchase, either by credit card/PayPal payment to the KHMA PayPal account or by check received to the Klipsch Museum (if you are overnighting a check, it has to be by a Post Office overnight/expedited delivery process since it will be going to a P.O. Box in Hope, Arkansas). I will be sending the PayPal Account information and P.O. Box address with the invoices by email. Delivery: We CANNOT SHIP, local (Hope, Arkansas) pickup only. The speakers have been priced accordingly. If you are coming to the Pilgrimage you can pick them up then. If you know someone coming to the Pilgrimage we will assist you with putting you together with them to see if they might be able to transport the speakers back to you. If you are doing a pickup during Pilgrimage we will have people there to assist you with loading in the back of your pick up or trailer or SUV. If you don’t have a pickup, full-size SUV or trailer, you need to check the dimensions of these products and their weight to determine if what you are driving is going to work. If you pick up before or after Pilgrimage you will also need to bring along your own manpower to load them in your vehicle of choice. Technical and Condition Questions: If you have technical questions about the speakers for sale, Bill Hendrix and Kevin Harmon have volunteered to answer questions about the specific products, how they sound, what they match with, what components they have, what goes well with what, etc. For the fastest response, I would send both of them an email and they can get back to you as their schedules allow. Also, include a text and/or phone number so if that is the quickest way for them to respond they can use that option. Bill Hendrix has owned, bought and sold nearly every product on this list and is very knowledgeable regarding the KPT and KI product lines. He can probably even tell you if a particular speaker will fit in a Suburban or not. Kevin Harmon has also owned some of the speakers on the list and has personally viewed each and every speaker listed. Their email addresses are: bhendrix51@me.com for Bill Hendrix and kharmondds@aol.com for Kevin Harmon. Additional information: If you have any other questions please let us know. Terms of Sale (The fine print) 1. Items for sale are “local pick up” only, as in FOB Klipsch Museum of Audio History Steam Generating Plant, Annex. We are currently not in a position to assist with shipping any of these items. We will allow up to forty-five (45) days for you to pick up your items. We request that you advise us of your intended arrangements for pickup within fourteen (14) days of your purchase. 2. Payment must be received within five (5) days of your purchase being acknowledged by us. Payment will be through either PayPal or check at our P.O. Box in Hope, Arkansas. 3. Items for sale are sold “as is, where is” with no warranty, express or implied, no exchanges, returns or refunds. 4. If you direct us to give any items you purchase to a third-person to deliver them to you, we are not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the third-person. THANKS AGAIN! On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Klipsch Heritage Museum Association, Inc. and its Executive Committee, thank you for being a Member. A note of very special thanks to Klipsch Group, Inc. for their continuing support of the Museum by their generous donation of these speakers. Travis Travis Williamson, Esq. Klipsch Heritage Museum Association, Inc. • PO Box 280, Hope, AR 71802 • PRICE LIST-Klipsch Museum Speaker Sale See updated towards the end of this thread dated 8/1/2018
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