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Promedia 2.1 for Macbook


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Hi All

Just got the Promedia 2.1 set, and I'm going to be using them with my Macbook Pro. Will they be fine just going into the audio out of the laptop? Or is their an additional part I should buy to optimize sound quality?

Also, it seems as if most of the sound is coming from the speaker with the volume knobs. Its not really noticeable when sitting right in front of the system, but when I move to the back of the room all the sound is coming from one side. Is there a way to fix this?

Many thanks

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that may just be the acoustics of the room. if up close you do not notice a differance between left and right then that tells me there problem is not the speakers, try them at a low volume with youer head in between the speakers kind of like headphones and see if there is a differance then. if so then check the settings with your mac's sound card output settings. if they are panned at zero (center) then the problem is likely with the control pod that is on the bottom of the speaker which is easily replaceable. I have them in stock as well and can get you one within a week if you need one, but troubleshoot first and get back to me.

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  • 1 month later...

I have the same problem but with the right speaker. I'll plug in my old speaker set and viola, both work. What's up with all these Klipsch issues? I'm starting to feel like they're not the company they once were. Talk about a bunch of hassle over computer speakers. Don't we spend the extra money on products like Klipsch so the sound is great without all these issues? I guess it's officially a wal-mart world! :( Might as well start buying cheap and prepare for replacement instead of repair. Klipsch, please step it up and make products to last! When these speakers do work right, they sound great! - jmabney@gmail.com

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