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ifi dock problems....

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I have recently been having problems with my ifi speaker system dock. I have been reading a lot of the forums on the issue but didn't really see much about a resolution to the problem. My system is over 3 years old and is obviously not under warranty. Are there replacement docks available? If so, are they reliable or do they break like I have heard so many others say they do. I know it is a discontinued product (most likely because of the dock malfunctions) so that is also why i was curious as to whether or not replacement docks are available.

As for my dock, the problem seems to be with the male end of the jack for the ipod. When i plug in the ipod i get a terrible crackling noise and no control over the volume. However, when I use them through the auxillary jack, they work perfectly. I have used 3 different generation ipods in this system and never had a problem until now. As for the person who claimed it is user error, my use of the system has not changed in 3 years and I am now experiencing problems, I doubt for many of these people it is user error.

I love the sound quality and volume that this system has and want to keep using it. Another question- are there different docks available, perhaps one that would fit the ifi although a different model?

Thanks to anyone for feedback


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Replacement docks are currently available. They have been in and out (mostly out) for the last couple years.


If you get one, or if anyone reading this has a replacement and it’s been working for some time I’d like to know. My replacement dock I purchased a couple years ago failed in like two months, and I just cant bring myself to try yet another without some success stories.

I keep hoping they have made some improvement to prevent them from suffering whatever it is that makes them fail.

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