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RC-10 Availability


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Can someone tell me if the RC-10s are discontinued? They're on backorder everywhere I've looked, and after calling around, the merchants say they haven't received any new ones in a while. One said they were discontinued, another said he had spoken to a Klipsch rep. who said they were just having trouble making new ones.

Any official information would be greatly appreciated, as I've been trying to buy one for more than a month now.


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I saw the two on eBay, but one is used and the other is being sold by someone who doesn't have much of a history on there (I'm waiting to hear back from him though).

I have a pair of RF-10s that I want to match it with. I'm also a bit constrained by physical size at the moment, so whatever I get can't be any taller than 6".

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I appreciate the help, but I'm not looking for more links to websites claiming to sell the RC-10. I've contacted probably a dozen sites in the past month. They're all out, even though their websites might say otherwise. What I'm trying to find out is if the RC-10 has been discontinued or not.

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I appreciate the help, but I'm not looking for more links to websites claiming to sell the RC-10. I've contacted probably a dozen sites in the past month. They're all out, even though their websites might say otherwise. What I'm trying to find out is if the RC-10 has been discontinued or not.

Wow, a guy tries to help out and... [*-)]

You can contact Klipsch directly by phone or email.

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