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SC-1, SF-1, SW-12, and Two Bose rear channels, hooked up to a marantz Sr-7001


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I have had this rig for a few years. I rearranged my room and wanted to set up a new audio profile. I used the auto-mode with the little microphone then I went into the manual setup and began configuring it. I am curious as to what to what the best settings are for this rig. I set the speakers to small, and the Lowpass filter at 80... Do you think this is ideal?

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Yes I think this is ideal. Because it lets your speakers focus on the upper range and clarity while letting the sub do all of the low end heavy lifting. Now the F1s actually say they support frequencies down to 38hz so you can experiment with the filter if you want to and see how the system sounds with it set to 60hz. You will get a little more bass from your F1s. You may or may not like the sound. It depends on how well the F1s handle the lower frequencies. The recommended setting is 80hz but use what sounds best to you. Some people like it set to 60hz. Others like it at 80hz and others like it set to something totally diffferent. I personally like 80hz. Feel free to experiment because once you find the best sound you shouldn't have to mess with the settings again. Unless you change some components.....Also don't forget to space your speakers out if possible and toe them in towards your listening position. Once you find the positioning that sounds best then rerun the setup with the mic....then mess around with the low pass filter settings etc to get it sounding perfect to you.

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Thanks for the quick supply. That was kind of how I was feeling. The new room looks really sharp, and has the added bennefit of being much more acoustically friendly. The mains are spaced farther apart, and the sound stage is a lot more symetrical. Plus, we have this modern chic look going, which the ole klipsch are blending into very well. I have to say, I have had these klipsch speakers for years, since I was in highschool say 12 years or so, and they still sound fantastic. I had to do a little surgery on the subwoofer, when the port fell apart a little. (I just had to use a good quality glue to reconnect a piece of cardboard.) Asside from that, these little guys have travelled the country with me. They have survived multiple receivers including a MASSIVE lightnight strike, that took out a fair portion of all of the electronics in my house. In fact, my room mate said that the receiver that was on at the time shot a bolt of lightning across the room. (It even blew a chunk out of our roof.) It fried the amp, but the little klipsches carried on just fine, to this day. I know they were not the most expensive speakers in the world, but man do I like them... :)

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Thats great. Glad you're enjoying the new room and I'm glad everything is blending well because that helps with WAF. Wow those speakers have been through a lot. I haven't had a lightning strike yet (knock on wood) luckily but I got a pretty good Battery Backup hooked up to everything so hopefully the surge stops there. I got it just in time because over the summer (with it being hotter than usual I guess) we had a lot of brownouts and quick power outages which never happens in my area. Well the brownouts eventually killed my cousin's tv (he was staying with is at the time) well all of my equipment in the diffrent rooms carried on. It was great hearing that click.....it let me know the APC was doing its job. But Klipsch speakers do seem to last a lifetime. Because a lot of people on this forum still have their speakers from like the 70s....I will hopefully be able to speak on longevity in a few years. The oldest Klipsch I have is like a year old. The other ones are only 1 month old. I wish you could've gotten the receiver on video. I know that would have been a very interesting thing to see. Luckily no one was hurt and thank goodness it didn't start a fire. Nonetheless continue to enjoy your speakers and like I said in my last post don't be afraid to experiment with settings and positioning. I was lazy when I first got my speakers and just sorta threw them together but when I actually spent time aiming them etc the results were astounding. Now I'm in Klipsch nirvana, lol. Enjoy your setup and welcome to the forum!

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