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Heresy Purchase serial number help


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I'm meeting to buy my first pair of Heresys today. My HT is all Klipsch, circa late 90s except for a newer refernce series 12" sub. I just got in to Klipsch and don't know much. I'm trying to confirm these are legit speakers by serial number. I've looked at the Date codes on this site but still a little confused and need some help. The serial numbewr for one of the speakers is 158Y044, I'm not sure if the 2nd is sequential. Pics below.

By the Y, they are 1983 models, BUT, the date codes on this site say they should only be 2 numbers before the letter followed by 4 numbers. Is this a legit sertial number and are they worth $300?

Thanks in advance for the help!






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First off...welcome to the forum, you won't forget some of your experiences here...lots of helpful folks sprinkled with a troll or two like everywhere else...LOL!

Now...for the answers to your questions:

They are a valid serial number and I knew Sherry Stroud, who did the final assembly on them. Like anything else, they are worth whatever you are willing to pay for them. My opinion is that they are a steal for 300 bucks (provided everything functions properly) because that is even less than they cost when they were brand new in 1983...MSRP was around $400-450 a pair then....and they tend to age well, if taken care of.

People are getting entirely too wrapped around the axle over this serial number business. The fact is....there were issues every year I worked there over the serial numbers going out the doors. And I worked there from July 1976 to Sep 1983. Every year at least once a year a bug bruhaha would erupt over the serial number thing.

Here is why: normally it was done by NEW EMPLOYEES! The new employees would reverse the numbers which were supposed to be in the front of the letter with the ones supposed to follow the letter, or they would mix up the letters in the speaker model (HWO, HWL, HOO, whatever...) and it happened whenever a new employee got put in final assembly. Sometimes they were just accidents, due to misunderstandng how it was supposed to be done...sometimes it was due to burning too much of something on the way to work...or a hangover...or having the flu...any number of reasons..you name it...it just happened.

They would pre-number a stack of labels and sign their name to them as the final assembly "inspector."Later on they would put them on the carpeted roll-table with the speaker pair when the assembled speakers went into the test booth for testing. Then the tester would sign the labels and attach the label to the speaker which had the serial number stamped into its rear edge. Then the speakers would be packed and stacked. By then it was too late to re-label them. And compound that issue with the fact that most were shipped out long before any honchos knew that there was a mix-up in serial number sequencing. This is because whenever the speakers were in final assembly, their numbers were recorded in small ledger notebooks by the person doing the final assembly...and it may be weeks or months before anybody checked the notebooks and found the screw-up!

So...there you have it...time for you folks to RELAX about the serial number thing! What they were SUPPOSED TO BE and what some of them ACTUALLY ENDED UP AS...were sometimes two different things!


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Thanks Andy!

I know whenever anything is worth something, someone usually makes a profit making fakes. I really appreciate your input as I don't know my *** from a hole in the groiund on this stuff and just wanted to make sure they were real..... Thanks a bunch!!

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