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Klipsch Goes to A Wedding


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"Look", my friend says to me, "I need somebody with to help me with my wedding, play two songs with the ceremony, hopefully at the right time in the proceedings".

"Be happy to", I reply, "What are you playing them on and how big is the room".(heh,heh,heh)

"Well, I've got a boom box. That should do."

"I know you're not having a band, will there be any dancing afterwards?"

"Not sure, it depends on if they need the room for the evening dinner trade at

the 'Dust." (Stardust Restaurant).

"Ok, it's a big day, I can bring along my Promedia's hooked to a walkman and that will sound better. Maybe I should grab a couple of mains, a reciever and a changer."

So it's this last Saturday, I load up a pair of KG 3'5's, a baby Marantz and a player. Play a little Eva Cassidy as background while the people filter in, do the two songs, a little more background while people eat, and that's pretty much it. The restaurant needs the space so I toss the gear into a party room that isn't being used and head up front to the bar.

Well, a little while later, I'm chatting with a few friends from the wedding, and talking about my recent case of upgraditis, and the cynic in the crowd states that you don't need to spend more then a 100 bucks total to get all the speaker you will ever need. I suggest we slip back into the party room and listen to some tunes. Pretty soon there's a round dozen of us with more trickling in an out, grooving out to some music.

Wouldn't you know it, we're all singing along to Colin Hay's acoustic version of Overkill (Men at Work) and (who else) the cynic has to grab the volumne control and spin it up a couple of notches. He obviously needs more KK's!

That, of course, brings in the manager, and thus ends that little party.

Since we're supposed to ask questions here, not just tell stories, I guess my question is has anybody ever been to a party where somebody HAS NOT cranked up the sound? Is it a universal imperative?

Also, congrats to Greg and Martha on their nuptials.

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