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onkyo sr601


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hi i have a onkyo sr601 reciever and i am looking to get a good sounding speaker that sounds good with music and home theatre i have heard the polk rti12 but to much speaker for my reciever i like the reviews on the svs sub can any one help on a good speaker set for 6 channel that sounds great at loud levels i have 85watts per channel thanks for any help out there

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Like marksdad says.. If you are looking for reccomendations for anything but Klipsch, you are in the wrong place. Too much speaker for the amp...only applies if you are runnnig speakers which have poor sensitivity ratings. Most, if not all, of Klipsch's speaker lines run at or above 93db sensitivity. You can't go wrong with the Klipsch Classic lines (always available on ebay) or their new stuff. Even the entry level stuff out performs much of what is available out there.

Have fun with your search, and don't overlook Klipsch. Its worth the extra money.

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Guest Anonymous

the rti12's will be a little over kill for you and your reciever is way underpowered for them, they are not the most efficient speakers around. Polk tends to be very bright, (brighter than klipsch in most cases). Klipsch is a great way to go, incredibly efficient, and they sound great, much more detailed than the polks, and bass is much tighter.

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thanks i know the rti12s are over kill i would like a set of klipsch that are really good for my system maybe a bit bigger than my system so they will last if i upgrade latter i like bass and loud music'and movies i like the sounds of the svs sub but don't know what speakers like the model #s can you give me your opinion on what you would buy in the new line and what do you think of that sub or is there something better thanks for any help

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ok you say klipsch but there are all kinds of models what models do you recamend that are a little more than that reciever can handel that will sound good but won't have to upgrade in the future with a bigger amp and what do you think abought the svs sub there are lots of people that swear by it thanks for any help

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what models do you recamend for my reciever that will sound good in movies and music do you like towers for the front i have not heard any klipsch so models #s will help can you recamend something that will handel with a bigger amp in the future so i don't have to buy a set of speakers latter but still sound good for now thanks for the help

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On 1/6/2005 4:52:52 PM dtek_1 wrote:

thanks i know the rti12s are over kill i would like a set of klipsch that are really good for my system maybe a bit bigger than my system so they will last if i upgrade latter i like bass and loud music'and movies i like the sounds of the svs sub but don't know what speakers like the model #s can you give me your opinion on what you would buy in the new line and what do you think of that sub or is there something better thanks for any help


! . (). . , () ? ? ? !



p.s. the advice here is going to be "Klipsch". Just a heads up. 2.gif

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