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H/K 730 vs. Crown IC 150 & D150 on Cornwalls and Fishers.


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After a comprehensive review, I've found that the Harman Kardon Twin powered 730 whoops the poo out of the Crown combo.

The Cornwalls are more controllable with the Crown setup, however, @ the same time with the Harman Kardon they are "unleashed", so to speak..

I've also noticed that if I use my Fisher console speakers they fill a giant void in my midrange that the Cornwalls will not.

I know Corns are weak in the midrange, but I have a day and night difference....

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Maybe the Cornwall midrange seems "weak" to him because the bottom-end is so pronounced and strong?? I know from experience that the Heresy II midrange and treble can sometimes be seen as "strong" but only due to a lack of bottom-end performance from that model.

Still, I can't seem to recall anybody ever labeling the Cornwall midrange as weak, or lacking in any way.

Unless, of course, they're comparing them to or have just heard a pair of La Scalas!


As for the HK, I can attest to the fact that it did wonders for my Heresy IIs - they now have clean, tight, very-pronounced (for a sealed-enclosure) bass and the mids and highs really came alive and sparkle with clarity and presence.

I've never heard my La Scalas on anything other then my HK430 so I can't make a comparison as to how they'd sound with another amp/receiver yet, but they sure sound spectacular on my HK. Lots and lots of extremely tight bass. Mids really sound awesome to me, and get better as the volume increases. It's a "live," sweeping, sound that the Heresy's just can't match or project.

But, on the other hand, I must agree with my wife when she told me that she thinks the Heresys sound better at low volume with certain CDs. I guess it's a subjective issue (like audio in general for that matter) but I can definitely see her point when she put on an Enya CD one night. At low, background levels, the CD definitely sounded better, or fuller, to me, on the Heresys. At low, nocturnal levels (who listens to Enya at high levels anyway?!), the La Scalas dissected the music too much, and her voice seemed to drown out the instruments. The Heresys did a better job making the overall sound seem more subdued, or all-of-a-piece, which is perfect for low-level night-time listening. When I cranked the volume, however, the tides changed, and the La Scalas came alive and she sounded as if she was in the room, performing live.

To me, the La Scalas come into their element when the volume increases. They can project a wall of sound that the Heresys simply can't even hope to do in their wildest dreams. The La Scalas defintely dissect the music and allow you to hear things you never heard before, and at high volume, it's truly amazing.

But after a few weeks, I've seen that the Heresys do a better job at low-level background music. My wife and I like to listen to mellow stuff at night after the kids are down and the Heresys simply sound better.

We listen to classical too, and again, at night and at low levels, "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring," from Bach, for example, sounds better on the Heresys. During the day, however, playing Vivaldi or especially Strauss through the La Scalas at high volume is an awesome experience that truly sends goosebumps up one's arms. The music opens up and literally fills the room.

So, to me, I'm glad I have the Heresys for quiet evenings and I'm also glad to have the La Scalas when I really want to let it rip. There's a huge difference in sound between the two, but they each have their due and rightful place in our home.

Has anybody else experienced this as well?

Sorry to get off track here, but I guess I just derailed myself insofar as my new La Scalas are concerned. One thing's for sure - my wife knows very little and cares even less about how the music's produced but when the La Scalas first opened up and sang at loud volumes, she immediately told me they sound much, much better then the "other ones" do.

And at night, at low levels, she's quick to point out that the shoe's now on the other foot.


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