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Yamaha RX-v2500 question


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Hey all, for any of you RXV type owners, how do i delete the system setups that have been saved in memory? I loaded a bunch of garbage when it was new by accident and can't seem to find how to get rid of these in the manual. Any takers or techno wizards? Dr.Who perhaps et al?

Thanks a bunch, JetJock

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Hey all, for any of you RXV type owners, how do i delete the system setups that have been saved in memory? I loaded a bunch of garbage when it was new by accident and can't seem to find how to get rid of these in the manual. Any takers or techno wizards? Dr.Who perhaps et al?

Thanks a bunch, JetJock

If you are referring to the Sound field parameters. (and if it is the same as my RXV 1600) You reset them them in the "Option" menu under "Param.ini" I hope this helps.

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