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Ear gel sizes


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Exactly how many different earbud sizes are there? I know there's the 5 with the package, and I heard of an extra small size that can be bought seperately. Is there an extra large?

I'm feeling that a lot of the reason my ears end up hurting is because I can't get a seal with anything unless I push the headphones (custom 3) in as far as I possibly can push them in, so they end up really far in there before a seal is formed. This is the only way I'm able to consistently get a good seal, and this is with the large single flange ear gels only. Any other time I get a seal is by pure accident and is easily lost by moving around. The large double flange ear gel is actually a smaller fit than the large single flange. Are there extra large double flange options?

I read documentation that stated if the eargels don't fit far enough in to create a seal then use a smaller one, or they fit too far in to use a larger one. The largest ear gel fits really far in to where it's uncomfortable around my ear lobes with the headphone housing pressing against it so tightly. I seem to have really big ears or something. I use to wear the special military ear plugs when in the service and I don't recall jamming those in my ear, though I don't believe the size 'small' of those were as small as the size small on these headphones. Anyway, if there are larger options I'd love to give them a try.


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The ony other size is extra small that I'm aware of. I too have often wondered if extra large ear gels might work better for me. And I saw Professor Thump, the engineer behind the Klipsch earphones, this past weekend and forgot to ask him if there were any plans for larger ear gels or to take a look at how the Custom 2 fit in my ears. I was more interesed in trying the new Image X5 and comparing to the Image X10.... Just like when I go to the doctor, if I'm not thinking about something at the moment I completely space it... I'd love to try larger options also but I don't think there are any at this time but forget to ask when I had a chance. [:$]

In my case, my right ear itches and the cream used to alleviate that is detrimental to getting a good seal. Ironically, it's the other things that get stuck in my ear that keeps this from going away, that and not getting back to the doctor to get it resolved. They've had me try a couple of things but nothgin has yet worked. I even went at least 2 weeks without using my Custom 2 for one stretch and still couldn't get rid of the itching. It's a condition I've had for years that comes and goes. The good news is my earphones don't really seam to contribute too much to the problem but I suspect could make it harder to get cleared up?

The Image models are still my favorite as they'r easier to use and a more comfortable to me. I even found that I like the sound of the new lower cost Image X5 compared to the Image X10 though I think the insanely small size of the Image X10 wins out in absolute ease of use and comfort.

Read some of the other posts in the Headphones section as others have found a better seal though for some of us it takes a long time. Its a lot easier for me when my ears are dry. Amazingly I've not had to clean ear wax out of my Custom 2 though I have had some dried flakes of ear lotion get in the nozzle once or twice.

Try pulling back a bit as that seems to help and try different angles. Eventually most peope will find a good seal.

I'd still like to try some extra large gels shoud they become available.

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Yeah I end up having itching problems also, sometimes the itch builds up so much where I have to immediately remove the ear piece and try and scratch that itch~ they don't itch on their own though, only randomly when such headphones are inserted so deeply.

Another thing to note regarding how far I have to insert these before a good seal is made, it even causes pain in my jaw muscles. If you were to put your finger in your ear and move your jaw you may probably feel some movement within the ear. It appears that the housing of the headphones ends up pressing against that, tightly at that to where very uncomfortable strain sensations just start flowing down my jaw muscles. I seem unable to form reliable seals by pulling back after I insert them, one noteable difference between the Klipsch earbuds and military ear plugs is the flange design. The military flanges are angled more outward to where they sit tighter in the ear, the Klipsch earbuds are shaped more like mushrooms and have generally been fitting too loose. They just slide in and out with no problems, nothing is really grabbing them and holding them in place, at least not until I get fit the large flange in the deep part of my ear but the headphone nozzle is hardly long enough to make that comfortable.

I can see how the images could be more comfortable, most of the housing fits in the ear so there isn't anything that would be pressing against the outside when trying to make a seal deep within, though I'm not very inclined to return these to get those, I would love to just get what I already have working for me. Supposedly the sound quality is somewhat better in the Custom -3's from my understanding, which is why I went with this design. There doesn't seem to be any way for me the 'sample' these headphones without buying them first, that I know of anyway. I still have time to return the custom-3's though for a full to near full refund, have until July 7th to make a decision.

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