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  1. Stereophonic Sound with Two Tracks, Three Channels By Means of a Phantom Circuit (2PH3)
  2. Obama Meets Privately With the Dead
  3. The HLLY should be worthy of a review, there is a resemblance to the 41Hz Amp 6. Trends TA-10.1 revisited.
  4. Audio Flynn, the Pandora FAQ section will say they stream music up to 128 Kbps (mp3), but if I'm correct, the free web flash version is streaming at 64 Kbps AAC+. Some published perceived listening quality tests for various formats have HE-AAC coming out on top.. If you like the Pandora format, you might check out Last.fm, too.
  5. Sarah Vaughan (vocals); Teddy Edwards (tenor saxophone); Carmell Jones (trumpet); Ernie Freeman (organ); Milt Turner (drums)
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