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Daddy Dee

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Daddy Dee last won the day on December 26 2024

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About Daddy Dee

  • Birthday January 8

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    Arkansas Post

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Klipsch Forum Lifer

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  1. Good luck with sale. I have used these in Khorns and currently LaScalas and the sound is very good to my ears.
  2. Tim, Thanks. sorry to be so slow in checking back. still in rehab here. Is this Panny one of the models with a Tripath (or equivalent) amp inside?
  3. Want to put together a small system for the wife's den. Will be pairing it with Heresy's and a couple of sources. Have been looking at some HK 430's on Ebay that are running about $150 and might be in ok condition. Would certainly prefer to deal with a forum member who is looking to get something out of the closet shelf and to a good home. Doesn't have to be HK. open to other options. Any thoughts appreciated. Posting, PM or email all fine for getting back with me. Whatever is customary for the GS forum. email: daddydee3@gmail.com
  4. one more complete trip around the sun!
  5. Gary Shinall was a fabulous craftsman. Even fabricated his own horns. Good luck with your sale.
  6. Congrats! Marriage is a wonderful institution! As long as you don't mind spending the rest of your life in an institution!!!
  7. wow. look like a solid piece of equipment.
  8. Daddy Dee

    Don't Mess

    i can't imagine what the man was thinking.
  9. It was the realism (to my ears) of cymbal crashes that astonished me with the performance of the CT-125 tweeter. IMO it is a head and shoulders improvement over the K-77 and i also preferred the CT-125 over Beyma.
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