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Posts posted by GRB

  1. Good Evening folks. I posted a note when I got my (new) old '85 Cornwalls a couple of weeks ago. I had several requests for pics, but never got them to load right. I am trying it again and also have a question as to the crossovers. I have seen several crossovers in other threads, but do not remember seeing any that look like these. The drivers are K-33E, K-57?, K-77.


  2. Gary, sorry I had not seen this thread. My Brother in law and his wife will be here that weekend and he is a huge Klipsch fan ('76 Cornwalls). I don't think we could do the concert but we might be able to drop by and do some listening. I will check with him and see what his pulse is on it. Do I need to rsvp if we are just going to come by and listen or only if we are planning to go to the concert?


  3. Left Cornwall. Hey these pictures are weird. I just came back to post some additional and there is an icon that I had to right click and the select "open picture". Obviously I am not a professional picture poster either. I also had a request for HT pics. I'll try it too. Sorry if they don't post guys.

    OK, I give. My son helped me post the other two pics through some other web-site. I have no idea how he did it . Will have to try later.

  4. Travis, the KSP 300's are the little brothers to the 400's. I originally had the 300's up front with the KSP S-6's in the rear. Found a pair of 400's on the forum and put them up front with the 300's in rear. Great set-up for movies. I'll try and get some pics of the HT when I get some shots of the Cornwalls.

  5. Sorry Guys, haven't had time to take any pics. I'll try to get some this weekend. Rearranging the rec room (ping pong and foosball tables) to accomodate the Cornwalls. Gary, I live in Mt. Airy. We talked about it several months ago. Been lurking lately, just haven' t had anything to post. I will say, I love my KSP setup for movies, but for music, they can't keep up with these Cornwalls. Tonight even my wife came down to the "man cave" and admitted that they sound "pretty amazing." She actually told me Diana Krall sounds better on these than when we saw her live last summer. Wow! Little WAF there boys.

  6. Evening folks, just had to take a second to post about the new toys. Thanks to a forum member who happened to have a pristine pair of CWO's (1985) that he felt he needed to part with here in Baltimore, I am now in nirvana. Picked them up at lunch and just got them hooked up about an hour ago. They are awsome. Played everything from some T. Monk to Dylan, Clapton and everything in between. Right now my teenage son is in the basement music room trying his darndest to rearrange my wife's china in the dining room with some Dark Side of the Moon. Wife thinks he and I have lost our minds (and soon our hearing). Thanks to Joe for the opportunity to own a pair of speakers I have wanted for years.


  7. NoDisc, I'm confused now. If I understand the above, the goal is to lock the speaker to the flooring, so how would spikes thhrough carpet onto cement floor below be bad? Not flaming, just curious. It would seem to me the connection would be better. Is is a matter of cement being so hard it resonates vibration back into speaker?

  8. Miles Davis - 'Round About Midnight. I have been reading a biography of Davis titled "So What" so when my wife saw this SACD at the record store she picked it up for me last week. (good wife) I think this is the first recording session with John Coltrane playing sax with Davis. Red Garland on piano, Paul Chambers on bass and Philly Joe Jones on drums. Some very understated tracks and some great bop. The man was cool. I think it is destined to be a fave.

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