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  1. I know. I actually researched this when I had my first child. If memory serves the max spl around infants is less than 90dB. Thanks for the heads up. I'm not looking to go deaf. I stumbled on this site awhile ago when I bought my speakers and was curious how far off it is because it doesn't really take into consideration the room size. It is fun to play around with anyway. Click here
  2. Bottom line if I am understanding correctly then is the Klipsch spec dictates the maximum spl with no limitation to distortion then. True 115dB is pretty loud, but I would like a localized thunderclap in my house though. So is there anyway to ballpark what my system is capable of based on the following info. 3500 cu feet main room with openings on either end of the romm into a hallway @ 192 cu feet and a kitchen @ 520 cu feet. I have (2)RF7s using 380W/ch 1090 rotel,(1)RC7 using 2 ch @ 200W/ch 1095, (2)RS7's using 1 ch each @ 200W/ch on 1095 and a SVS PB+2 and the RSW-15 which won't be here till Friday --Ugh-- Listening position is 9 ft from center and mains. Subs are closer 6ft for the SVS and roughly 9 ft for the RSW-15. It would be neat to know SPL for all speakers in 5-channel stereo versus just the subs. I've got two young kids, so I rarely listen to the system at limits or even close, but it is nice to know what it will do.
  3. Awesome responses. I've had the RF-7s for a while and always wondered why the stat was missing. Regarding the reviewer data for the RSW-15 sub, I saw the subwoofer comparison in a previous post on this forum. The test was performed at 2 meters. RSW-15 MAX SPL reference According to a different article you just deduct roughly 3dB for additional 1M difference, assuming I am reading this correctly. Max SPL reference I am just trying to learn more but when I see conflicting data I question it. Thanks again.
  4. Just curious why on the RF-7s Klipsch doesn't state the Max SPL vs. older Hertitage lines and actually some newer systems (ie. iFi) they do. They state maximum continuous watts and efficiency though? Is the output not as linear as some of the older speakers? Also, I just purchased the RSW-15 which has according to Klipsch's spec's, a max spl of 121 corner loaded at one meter, but all of the reviews I have seen don't come close. I know I am getting a good sub, but why such a huge discrepancy?
  5. I downloaded the article. I'll check it out.THx.
  6. I just purchased an RSW-15 to hopefully balance out my room (I get it tomorrow). I recently sold my velo smaller sub and purchased a PB+2, which is great for movies. Currently the PB+2 sits to the left of my couch along the back wall (under left surround) Unfortunately the room is fairly long and because of the layout I am unable to corner load this sub. There is localization of bass issue and because the sub is so large, there are limited options for placement. I opted to purchase a second sub (the RSW-15) which will sit diagonally along the front wall next to the right front speaker. Any tips for dialing in diffferent types of subs or is it really a non-issue? Also, can someone confirm the 3dB gain.
  7. NOSMy mother had heart failure and they put a stint in a few years back. Good luck to your Dad. I probably wont do anything with this until after the Holidays, but would like to talk afterwards. I have several other home projects slated for the Holiday break. In the meantime, I'm just gathering as much information as possible.
  8. I'm hoping I can use the Niles DPS-1 switcher, although according to the specs it will handle up to 350W and my 1090 specs out @ 380W...shouldn't be a problem though. I had planned on using the tube amp mostly for CD listening. I already have a bypass CD profile in my 1098 (and a 5ch surround CD mode for the wife =). Currently I have the speakers biwired, and I am not sure whether or not I can keep this config. My guess is no. Since the 1090 is separate from my 1095. I'll just power down the 1095 and switch over to tube action...that was my thought process anyway.
  9. I would definitely be interested in chatting with Craig. I was just browsing eBay...there appears to be several different flavors of mods you can perform (that's my assumption based on the photos I'm seeing). I'm not so sure I would just go and purchase one of these through eBay, unless I knew a trusted forum member did the work. Someone else could modify and ruin the sound right? Since it is not a new piece of equipment I'm at the mercy of the modifier, as I would have no idea what to do.
  10. So what all is involved in modifying the amp? 600-700 dollars doesn't sound too bad.
  11. Merely taking a guess that the model number translated to 70 watts. 35@2 channels then. That makes sense. $300 isn't bad at all.
  12. How much the Dynaco ST70 go for with upgrades. I'm assuming it is a 2 channel 70 watt amp?
  13. WOW! This thread really took off. I feel guilty for the delayed response. I'd really like to try a tube amp with the Niles switcher. Using analog CD outputs from my RDV1060 or does it make more sense to get an integrated tube amp to give me a cleaner path, so I can hook up a tunrtable too? I am willing to spend around $1500 net. Are the Rogue amps any good. I have seen good reviews, but haven't really heard anyone using them. There are some on audiogon. The stats look pretty good and they are fairly new.
  14. I am pretty decked out with my 5.1 Home Theater system. Reference speakers RF-7s, RC7 and RS7s with Rotel 1098 preamp, 1095 and 1090 amps and two subs. I currently use a RB 1090 for 2 channel listening and 1095 for center channel (passively bi-amped) and other 2 channels for rears (I have an extra channel and no room for more speakers =) Anyway, I was thinking of trying a tube amp for some 2 channel listening. I would like to disturb my neighbors once in a while, but also enjoy listening at moderate levels. Can anyone suggest an amp that will not only sound really sweet, but will drive my RF7s effectively.
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