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Posts posted by fini

  1. And while I'm happy to see her more often, she certainly acquired a mountain of stuff in that 1+ year of being on her own. And it is ALL in the living room, where my 2-channel setup resides. I'm 6'-4", so I can still see most of the rig (except for the pCATs down low), but there is no way in hell that I can get to it. Not the smallest path. My shihtzu can't even get in there to crap. Hmm, this might be a useful training tool.

  2. I would also like this function restored...

    +2 Yes

    With the Large Hadron Collider up and running, maybe top researchers will finally understand how to make this happen. Its restoration has been evading the world's greatest minds for years.

    I thought the Views were permanently discontinued when they shut down the Saturn plants???

    At this time that is only a theory.
  3. So, tomorrow I'll have time to do this. I have a few questions specific to preamps.

    1.) With power amps, a dummy speaker load is needed. With preamps, obviously there is no speaker output, but should I provide some "line level" load for the initial start up?

    2.) Where and how (specifically) do I check voltage output at various stages of "bringing it up?" Seriously, I need someone to tell me where to stick my probes (insert joke here).

  4. I have been asked by a buyer to use a variac to power up and test a Fisher console preamp (ca. 1962). I've never plugged it in, in the year I've owned it, and don't know how long it has been since it was in use. The only potentially useful test equipment I own is a digital VOM (in addition to the variac). The goal is to do a listening test (and not harm the preamp). How would this procedure be different from doing it with a power amp? What are the (pre-smoke ;^) things to look for as I do it? If testing is needed (using the VOM), where and how do I test it?

    You'd think by now I'd have learned how to do this...

  5. WOW!!! 12 weeks and shipped all that way. Very cool. Check the boxes closely because one should say "Left" on it, otherwise the seller shipped you two Right Channel speakers.

    I can supply a left-right conversion kit for $249.95.

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