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Posts posted by whamo

  1. Noah, I had one heck of a time getting everything running on a consistant basis. They replaced all of the wires and then after several visits they determined they needed a new run from one of the poles. Time Warner was out to my place no less than four times. Like anyone you deal with they'll try to get out of it as cheap as possible. What I had to do was be real stern with them and tell them you want it disconnected then they'll change their tune and more than likely give you a discounted rate for a year. Then when the rates go back up call them again. Mark

  2. Anyone else see this yet? It's out on DVD now. I bought their new CD too. "This is Thirteen" this disc is ok. Nothing unique about it, actually it's kinda run of the mill. There's a few good tracks though.

  3. Duder, I would go to the DJ forum. djchat.com and ask there. Also you can peruse around there and see what a pro DJ really does. Beware of craigslist DJ's. Do some research. I doubt you'll find a Klipsch DJ though. They use QSC, Mackie and other brands. My Klipsch set up would smoke most of theirs IMO. Good luck to you. Mark

  4. We had a guy that worked here for a short time that was into all of that auto sub-wooferage. Anyways the subs blew out the rear seals of his back window. So everytime it rained his truck's interior would get soaked. He couldn't afford to fix it because he spent all his dough on the equipment. Myself I'm not into car audio at all I think it's a waste of time and money.

  5. Hey all. You've got to see this movie. This is one of the greatest Rock and Roll movies I've ever seen. It's an independent film so it's only been shown in select cities. Even if you don't like metal music the story is one of the most touching and compelling stories ever. Go out and buy all of the Anvil stuff you can! These guys deserve it. This movie gets two devil rock and roll fists up!!!

  6. Good job. Very nice. I have a cheesy little Stanton 4 channel DJ mixer that I bought new and it has an annoying little hum to it. Not too much hum but it bothers me. I've heard that the problem may be that the grounds on the XLR connectors maybe soldered to the circuit board instead of going to the chasis. I need to open it up and check it out soon. Mark

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