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Posts posted by Tarheel

  1. Forgot to say congrats on the pool...a large one I hope.

    Yeah...I was not very impressed with the interviews.....I guess they were not hired to be articulate.....and I wrote some off to their excitement. I will say you usually hear something a little more intelligent from Carolina and Duke players...with a few exceptions (Rasheed Wallace). Dean Smith's goal was to make quality men first and players second and Roy continues that tradition. It goes without saying that college for too many players is just a venue to showcase their talents for the pros and not an institution of higher learning. Oh well.

  2. I watched the whole thing actually.....

    The post game interview with Noah he said "were gonna do it all day and all night long...I know ya'll don't know what I'm talking about but these guys do"

    I must admit I have no idea what they were going to do except party....maybe???? I hope thats all[:^)]

  3. Reading some of the room treatments that have been suggested I realized I had heard many of these tips before. Mapleshade has a list of "free audio upgrades" that include the following.

    Almost everyone sits too far from their speakers (8-10')....try a low chair or pillow and sit 5' away.

    Nearly everyone sits too high The "tweeters at ear level" rule sounds logical but fails when tested. For a test sit on 1 or 2 phone books.

    For much improved bass and huge soundstage put your listening chair right against the wall behind you and move your speakers in to 5' in front of you and 7' apart. No room treatments will yield this much bass improvements.

    Lift all speaker, power, and interconnects wires 8" off any non wool carpet or tile .

    Remove the speaker cloth or foam grill and snip off the plastic phase ring....treble will be improved as much as 100%.

    Almost all speakers are on stands that are too tall (24" and up). Try them on the floor tilted back with a wood or metal block under the front.

    Haven't tried these but may work on one or two and get back to you.

  4. Welcome to the forum daz39. The usual sources for xovers are Dean G and Bob Crites here on the forum, and Al Klappenberger at ALK Engineering. I have heard good things about all three and have used Bob's type A and Al designed some for my LS with Altec 511 horns and 902 drivers. I am sure others will provide the links you need to contact these guys and perhaps others.


  5. A ninth grade teacher lectured us for an hour on the theories of Dr. Lirpa Loof and told us there would be a test the next day....so of course we all took notes as fast as we could and then at the very end of class she wrote his name on the board[:@]

    Forty four years later I still remember that one.

  6. Buckster....since you're going through so many cds...would you like some new ones? I have been meaning to cull out some infrequently played cds to make it easier to find the ones I listen to often. This may be a slow process but I could send 10 a month for a while. If you don't want them after a listen...you could donate them to a library or to someone else. Can't promise any are keepers but you never know. PM me with a mailing address if you want them.

    Glad you are enjoying the Scott...that was our intention.


  7. When a frig or especially a freezer door is opened, room temperature air rushes into the storage compartment. When the door is closed, the fixed volume of air is cooled. Pressure drops below atmospheric pressure, resulting in a partial vacuum. Re-entry into a freezer cabinet can be quite difficult until internal pressures are returned to atmospheric pressure. Some high end units have a pressure equalization mechanism. Without a pressure equalization mechanism in tight, cold, and well built units, it can take several minutes before the door can easily be reopened. Just a thought, but maybe that's the whistling you hear.

    Makes sense.....really got a chuckle out of your signature.


  8. Okay....I may peep at it...but little more. I want Ohio State to win there matchup for obvious reasons[:@] and Florida theirs. I guess Florida in the final. Note the lack of enthusiasm here?

    Baseball moves to slow for me. May select some new jazz to order this weekend....someone posted a thread that looks interesting....info@concordrecords.com. Some eclectic selections.

    Buck...I hooked the Quicksilver gear back up and it does sound great......

    Phil.....you can't find a decent size music room in 3600 sq. ft.?

    Arky.....picks for the weekend?

  9. Just had a 6 month old Dell laptop and printer serviced yesterday.....the tech got the number off the printer driver and said the driver was 6 years old according to Dells web site! Had to uninstall the complimentary McAfee security that was set so high email would not come through. Have spent $180 on three tech visits so far.

    No wonder Dells share price is where it is.

  10. Jeff...my mistake...the BEC xovers are type A....from August 2004. Near replicas of original equipment in Klipschorns, LS, and Belles. Thought I better let you know before going forward.

    Sorrry for any inconvienence.


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