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Everything posted by paully

  1. Interesting. I would have thought you would be keen to upgrade the capacitors. I would think that, as the speaker was designed in the 90's, that the crossovers ought to be pretty good as far as design goes. But that maybe putting in some auricaps or such would be worthwhile. I do agree, listen to them for a while and then decide because they just might be really good anyway. I guess I am just one of those designer cap kind of guys. Just can't help tweaking sometimes. I will post back after I have had some time to sit with them stock.
  2. Thanks. I read a lot before I bought these and it seemed that these were a real sleeper. Everyone who has them, save for the odd duck, thinks they are wonderful. Even if I get other Klisch speakers (it seems very few have only one pair) it seemed like these needed to be in the collection as the Cornwalls are just too big. Can't wait to actually have them show up.
  3. Thanks to all, I am really happy to have them. Had thought about getting a pair of La Scalas, and I probably still will, but these came up and I just had to have them.
  4. That is a definite. Even if I am set on upgrading the components, the capacitors at a bare minimum, I want to know what the changes will have done so I do need to listen first. I am just not sure if people have taken out the stock crossovers and simply replaced the components or are they buying completely new crossovers like they seem to be doing for the La Scalas and Khorns.
  5. I managed to get hold of a pair of Chorus II. Very happy to have them. Apparently the wire has been upgraded (I will have to check that out) but the crossovers should be stock. Is it the opinion of the forum that the actual crossover needs to be upgraded or can I simply sub in newer components and leave the crossover circuit itself as is? Does anyone have a Klipsch crossover schematic that I can look at, or where to find one? The speakers wont be here for two weeks and I have to order some parts for another project. Thought, depending on the advice I get here, that I might go ahead and get the parts for the Chorus to avoid paying more for shipping if I am simply going to sub new parts in. Thanks!
  6. I know nothing about equalizers but would like to try one out. They seem to go really cheaply on ebay. Can anyone recommend a decent used one that I should look for? Just basically want to be able to control bass and treble which I can't do in my current set-up.
  7. You can head over to the vinyl asylum on audioasylum.com and do a search through the archives. Should be a lot of information. People who buy that turntable usually are going to be doing some modding. New tonearm at least, etc... I had one, never modded it, so I sold it. I would say it is definitely worth $100. If you don't plan on messing with it I wonder what the real experts would say about its ability to play music in stock form as it regards an old technics turntable. Of course that could also take in a direct drive versus belt fight that is better left off the table (pun intended).
  8. Wow, if I hadn't just bought a pair of Chorus II... I didn't think I would find a pair of La Scalas that cheap that close anytime soon. Oh well, I think the Chorus are going to be fun anyway.
  9. The four nos El34 tubes come close to being worth the buy it now price for the whole thing.
  10. 40 watts? Good heavens. I have been running 90 db effecient 4 ohm speakers with 25 watts and my buddy has 92 db effecient speakers with only a moderately good impedance curve using 3.5 watts and he doesn't have any problems. It will be more about synergy between the two amps than any sort of power issue. Paul Joppa (a name you probably don't know but he knows what he is talking about) thinks that 93 db is about as low as you want to go for 8 watts. From my experience, given iy id limited in the Klipsch range until recently but not limited in terms of tubes over the years, 40 watts is overkill. You will get all sorts of types here though in terms of what they think you need in terms of power but as one poster noted, the math is in your favor.
  11. I have had much, much better luck just shipping via my local post office than UPS. Obviously the post office may not do La Scalas but go anywhere, and I mean anywhere, else besides UPS if you are shipping something fragile.
  12. I hear you. It seems that the Chorus speakers are one of the least modified of the group. I imagine that is because they are newer and had a shorter run. More gets done to a pair of speakers that have a run of 30 years compared to 6-8.
  13. Not me! Heading the opposite direction. The La Scalas would be optimal for SET from what I understand, and I might get a pair, but I think that if 2 watts was able to comfortably run the Heresys, Cornwalls, La Scalas, and Khorns that I heard it is a fair chance that 8.5 watts will run the Chorus. I guess we will just have to see! No insult intended, but I do hope you are wrong... If not I can always dump them for what I bought them for and get a pair of La Scalas, they are just in such high demand that they are hard to come by around here.
  14. When running a speaker with 2-9 watts, both effeciency and sensitivity matter a great deal. Having a speaker around 96db or above and an impedance curve that doesn't actually dip much below 6 ohms, most certainly not below 4, is key. Wanting to know what the minimum impedance of a speaker I have never heard seemed reasonable to me, if not even being able to see the impedance curve itself.
  15. Well, that isn't what I wanted to hear... I don't know if I understand. The Heresy's bass response rolls off pretty high I think. Does the loss of the bass from the passive radiator cause other aspects of the sound to be degraded or are you really just missing some bass? I suppose a Heresy, or if I can swing it, a pair of La Scalas might be a better idea.
  16. Now that you mention it though, I didn't realize that impedance could be made to work so directly as a function of a crossover network. That is interesting, there is still a lot to this I don't understand.
  17. If I lose a little bass, I lose a little bass. If that is the worst of it, no problem. The Chorus seem to be about the top of the line as far as what will fit in my room. La Scalas are iffy, so I like to hear tht they will work.
  18. "I'm a civilian employee for the Navy and right now I'm gone with the Naval Region Hawaii to maintain the safety and vital infrastructure that allows the Navy to operate efficiently in Hawaii." Just makes you want to buy these speakers from this patriot right now!
  19. I understand that impedance varies, that was why I was curious about the minimal impedance which matters more from a low powered amp perspective than nominal. Interesting site, I will look through to see what they have for Chorus II crossover, if anything.
  20. I got to say that for a company that prides itself on the fact that its speakers are so effecient, the fact that they won't publish an impedance curve on any of the speakers is a bit disheartening.
  21. I was reading where one poster felt that the Chorus II had to be in a corner to really shine. That isn't going to happen, would get some corner horns if I had a corner to use. I would be placing the Chorus II's right in front of a doorway to another room so they really won't have much in the way of "wall" behind them at all. Do you think that this would be a problem? It doesn't strike me for a passive radiator that it would.
  22. And it wasn't me #$%^$#@!!~!!!! Shoot, I have been hunting for these for days now willing to pay up to $600 a pair. I checked craigslist everyday at least two or three time, except yesterday. Darn.
  23. I am absolutely sick that I missed them. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/ele/365966824.html
  24. LOL. Absolutely true. Those were incredible. I came across a nice pair of Heresys and I haven't pulled the trigger yet. I have been considering La Scalas but can't find any close for a reasonable cost (i.e. $700 is about what I can spend right now). The Quartet I's also look really good. If I found either of those two where I could pick them up I would have already done it.
  25. Thanks, it is hard to tell from the pictures but I will try to figure it out.
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