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  1. Ben, I got your message and I will reply. Howard
  2. http://www.ebay.com/itm/H-H-Scott-LK-72-B-Integrated-Stereo-Amplifier-HH-SCOTT-7591-/290681017090?pt=Vintage_Electronics_R2&hash=item43adf05302 This is a different model and would involve shipping but has already been checked out by Craig.
  3. Well, I saw the first listing on ebay for 4 tubes but it was the only one I saw which I thought was unusual. I looked on several websites where tubes are sold and did not see any. Thank you. Howard
  4. How available are these tubes? Are there new ones being made or something current that can be substituted for them? Howard
  5. Did you ever find out or remember if Craig was the one that updated the 222c? Did you have pictures posted of the two Scott units?
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