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Posts posted by InnerTuber

  1. Your picture helps a lot since I can see where you are starting from. Here's some advice worth what you paid for it!

    Assumming that's the space we're talking about, the fireplace isn't going anywhere and most things you do on the sides will make it appear "recessed" or back in a tunnel a bit. One solution would be just to get your jubs where you want them and build false walls above and around. Shelves or whatever you want, you could hide wires, low cost in relation to custom furniture and it would look like it was made that way. The problem might be it would effectively shorten the room and you get that recessed fireplace look.

    As far as bass traps your always going to have corners and you just have to decide if/what you want there. If you went with the false wall type approach you could use a material that might effectively make all surfaces less reflective. I'm trying to do it with tapestries, and softer art on the walls rather than a lot of drywall and harder surfaced pictures. I admit I'm probably mroe concerned with how our living room looks that bass traps hanging here and there so you can ignore all that I just said!

    Another idea, and I have no clue if this is your style, but I really find this interesting is something from IKEA. It's got a bit of an industrial feel, and my wife doesn't want to go there, but from a cost and functionality standpoint, if you like the appearance it might be a solution for you. I kind of liked the idea with our KHorns, but I agree with her that it isn't the right feel for our living room.

    Here's a link - http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/S29848050

    Now what I think is intesting about this is that it could be angles a bit like your speakers. The panel behind the TV hides wires, you can add the shelves, probably one of more of those CD DVD storage things. Tone down the vertial poles with fabric or plastic or whatever wrap (like covering a shower rod). The TV shelf part http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/categories/range/10364/12814/ could be your bass traps mount.

    Just food for thought - if you do like the style think jubs with the shelf and screen over the speakers maybe, and you like the tech type look, you could paint or tile the fireplace perhaps to get it all in the same vein.

    I could be way off the mark here ...


  2. I guess my perspective is that a dedicateed room is more sole purpose. When you use a living room the aesthetic issues may change, as well as lots of other issues. Protection of equipment etc etc. Was just showing a way to skin the cat between the corners. All my walls have doors, sliders, windows or something.

  3. I took the plunge last Friday and bought a new Macblackbook to create a music and likely DVD storage repository. Why the Macbook?

    I really like the silent operation aspect of the Mini and kept trying to convince myself I needed one, but given our circumstances, I hope the laptop solution proves best. Here’s what I considered:

    I work near one home weekdays and spend weekends away. The mini could be transported, but the laptop wins on portability factor. I’ll hopefully disconnect external storage and move the laptop with partial playlists or groupings of CDs on the internal drive.

    Florida’s power blips during summer rains. If there is lightning we might unplug a few things, but for short interruptions advantage goes to the laptop with battery backup. Plus I can flop in bed and tweak.

    Output to TV was seemingly equal. We use an analog set with bunny ears one place and digital HDTV the other (FIOS on the digital). I don’t plan to record the tv at this point, just output as a monitor or play DVDs.

    I know there are other ways to get there, subjective yes, but having a small screen just seemed to make good sense to me. After all, it is a laptop. Advantage Macbook.

    Mini has a couple more USB ports, but a hub could solve that giving a slight advantage to the mini on ports.

    Power advantage to the Macbook. It’s “mo biggar”.

    WAF goes to the Macbook. If her iMac is dead, and her Dell is dead, she can surf for that special recipe without having to know how to set everything. WAF is important to me since I think I am already pushing my luck (Khorns in living room).

    Quiet goes to the Mini, but the Macbook isn’t very loud if I’m not using the drive.

    Both can use wireless mouse and keyboard, so that’s an equal.

    So, my system as of now looks like this!
    Macbook > Headphone out jack split into two RCA jacks > Receiver

    Well before you ahem me, I wanted to hear some music since the bunny ears would not get the playoff games given our torrential rains. Okay, nothing special, but it’s a starting point. To digress a bit, it’s a bit more of a challenge to do this on a Mac. I think windows can handle ASIO and FLAC with a decent media manager and it's straight forward. I am just tired of rebooting and waiting so long to start and shutdown. I guess I wanted to make this all work on the Mac platform, thus the aforementioned plunge.

    So, what did I do all weekend? Other than the honey-do-list stuff, I loaded a few CD’s (no compression) into iTunes and a lot of updating. I’m going to try to move forward with iTunes and see how that works for me. My ultimate objectives are improved fidelity, the ability to convert vinyl, write to iPod, a good interface and the ability to backup music and dvds.

    Next, I am going to fiddle with an M-Audio Firewire 410. It should, near as I can tell function as both a DAC and convert ye ole records. Good for testing and something to compare to if I upgrade the DAC. No Leopard driver yet it appears, still some folks have experienced success. I can always do vinyl with windows and write CDs for a while as a backup plan pending new drivers (hopefully).

    I have a lot to do on understanding how to control iTunes given our mish mash of computers. I like the idea of the iTouch, I tend to make short playlists depending on who is around and just start it up and forget about it, until I need to adjust the volume. Oddly, the more we drink the deafer we become.

    I envision the system (will hopefully soon be) along the lines of:
    Drobo <> Macbook <> Firewire 410 or other DAC> L/R amplifiers

    Maybe the new Benchmark DAC1 pre would do better and bypass my current preamp?

    The western digital caviar drives look pretty quiet? Any thoughts on those or others? That’s not super critical as I can hide the thing in a cabinet I suppose. Might start out with two 750 Gb drives, looks like the sweet spot for price to me.

    Opinions, comments, criticisms, wisecracks or suggestions on how I can avoid screwing this up or even better, improve the results?


  4. ?attid=0.1&disp=emb&view=att&th=1179d798

    This was a friends and it caught our eye. Wire screen in the lower doors. We are thinking about something similar as all gear reses in the living room which is open to the kitchen. KHorns are a good bit taller than the counter, but if the finishes look good together I'd probably really like it. A lot of choice seems dictated by what you have to work around. Doors, windows, traffic flow, etc when it's not a dedicated room.

  5. We listen to Sirius via stereo using a wireless laptop which is drug all over the place.

    Couple ways to get there. If you have it enabled in your car, or anywhere, you can log on the internet using a computer and listen. Run a line from headphone jack out to split rca jacks, plug into receiver and voila, you have music. For about 3 bucks a month you can upgrade that feed to better quality 128k vs 32k). The upgrade is definitely better, but it's still internet streaming. Point being as a member you can use the satellite feed or an internet feed.

    Skip the pc and you can buy a player (portable or otherwise as in home/car/boat/etc), I think they have some 50% off promos right now and output the player as above. Or, buy a home player that has arguable a little better performance/features than the portables. These start around 50 bucks and for a portable check the sportster 5.

    Or, it's probably cheaper, if you have cable or such to add digital music. If that's not an option, what I've gleaned in the fine print - this is a subscription service so, as I understand it if you enable it in your car for example you can pay by the month or lifetime. Lifetime is defined as enable one factory radio period. Sell the car and that life is over. If it's not a factory radio (portable device etc) you can do 3 transfers (say you drop your player in the bucket of margaritas), then the life is over. Using a monthly rate of about 13 bucks versus the $400 or so for life you can determine a strategy.

    400 bucks pays for a playstation or xbox too if you want to consider going there. Guitar Hero perhaps for music ed?

    Anywho, our car subscription is ending and I'm trying to figure this out myself. I'd go the Sportster 5 route but it won't integrate into the car satellite receiver, so it would lay on the floor or seat and be a bit of a jumble of wires to drag around. Best Buy can install these in most cars and then you drag the head unit inside for the stereo. Not our car tho.

    So, hooking it up is simple and the music goes and goes. Just think thru the subscription choices versus what might be available on your tv service, and get the player that is right for your circumstance.

    From there you can spend more on the receiver and there are all kinds of networked, wireless, storage capable solutions that of course cost a bit more which can provide optical or other outputs, multi room feeds, etc.

  6. I hear this is out of print and out of stock. I bought the last two LPs I could find in the USA and Canada. Found one in Australia, still there as far as I know. Don't know if they will print more. Hope the record shop ships them to me! If you can locate it might be worth grabbing. CD's still available.

  7. That looks pretty nice. I wanted to try and build some BHead 300B's, but after talking to folks here, I felt more comfortable with a bit more power for KHorns so I got lazy/lucky and bought Mark's VRDs.

    I'd still like to build some, but it looks like a tankless water heater and some room painting is on my short list.

  8. I’m with Seti, particularly in regard to Garage Sale and patience. Given a bit of time you will probably see in Garage Sale something close to, if not exactly what you are after. You can always ask ... like does anyone have a set of _ _ _ for sale around _ _ _. Sometimes people decide to sell on a whim. If it’s big and heavy wait till it shows up near you so you can pickup. I get a little nervous about Ebay myself for no particular documented reason. That’s likely irrational.

    Many great things exchange hands right here, good luck.

  9. Nice - We find all kinds of LPs at Goodwill, garage, estate sales, etc. Led Zep, Jeff Beck, Stevie Wonder, all kinds of stuff people unload. It takes a while to dig, but we ****** em up if they are in great condition (for playing, don't care about covers much). A buck a record is my max too! Keep hunting.

  10. Platform
    Mac vs. Windows – probably doesn’t matter to me. I like the Mini Mac, but suspect no changes can easily be made to sound card. Leaning windows on this one mostly due to laziness. Think both work fine.

    Sound cards -
    I see 3 interesting ASIO solutions for internal sound cards:

    Juli ~$140

    CardDeluxe ~$400

    LynxTwo ~$1000

    CardDeluxe is very popular. I think Juli is a newer solution. Leaning CardDeluxe.

    VLC looks quite interesting but I don’t think it supports ASIO quite yet.

    Foobar doesn’t seem to like Ipods, I want to be able to keep that functionality.

    MediaMonkey looks pretty good to me, FLAC support and portable player friendly. Free.

    Winamp looks Ipod friendly and supports FLAC as well. Free or cheap.

    Any thoughts on Winamp or MediaMonkey or the path of windows, CardDeluxe and FLAC ripper/player?

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