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kevinmi last won the day on April 25 2019

kevinmi had the most liked content!

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Corvette restoration, winemaking, a little home remodeling
  • My System
    Main system- Modified K-Horns. Cary SLP98P-F1 preamp, Dennis Had Inspire Hot Rod amp, Shanling T-100 tube output cd player, Ampex ATR 700 RTR, Oracle Premiere Turntable w/Jelco TK-950 arm, Koetsu Black cart. All tube equipment populated with expensive vintage tubes! Second system- Frazier 7 speakers, Oracle Delphi Turntable wJelco SA-750 arm and Ortofon 2M Black cart. Pioneer TD-1050 RTR, Pioneer Elite universal disc player, Latino ST-120 amp with vintage Tung-Sol 6550 tubes. Also have another Pioneer RTR and another Ampex RTR, a pair of RF-5 speakers, a bunch of cd players , a cassette deck, receivers, Oppo Blu-ray, boxes and boxes of tubes, and a pair of Epik Empire subwoofers just in case

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