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kevinmi last won the day on April 25 2019

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  • Interests
    Corvette restoration, winemaking, a little home remodeling
  • My System
    Main system- Modified K-Horns. Cary SLP98P-F1 preamp, Dennis Had Inspire Hot Rod amp, Shanling T-100 tube output cd player, Ampex ATR 700 RTR, Oracle Premiere Turntable w/Jelco TK-950 arm, Koetsu Black cart. All tube equipment populated with expensive vintage tubes! Second system- Frazier 7 speakers, Oracle Delphi Turntable wJelco SA-750 arm and Ortofon 2M Black cart. Pioneer TD-1050 RTR, Pioneer Elite universal disc player, Latino ST-120 amp with vintage Tung-Sol 6550 tubes. Also have another Pioneer RTR and another Ampex RTR, a pair of RF-5 speakers, a bunch of cd players , a cassette deck, receivers, Oppo Blu-ray, boxes and boxes of tubes, and a pair of Epik Empire subwoofers just in case

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  1. I've got a Jelco Sa 750 and a TK-950. Both in excellent shape, for sale. Getting ready to post them on USAudiomart in a couple weeks.
  2. ultrasonic cleaning is all the rage these days. I have cleaned all my records with an ultrasonic cleaner and they sound great. You can get in pretty cheap if you do some digging.
  3. Those may be Speakerlab speakers. Iv'e never seen a pair of Klipschorns built like those.
  4. Don't transients live under bridges and overpasses? I can understand wanting to entertain transients with your music, but does it require 200 watts? I'm sure that all the transients in my neighborhood could hear my system if I put my KHorns on the back porch powered by my Cary 300b amps. Just sayin'
  5. I built a couple of these kits years ago with the Hazen mod board, but have nothing to compare the sound to without the mod. I haven't listened to them in years. Maybe I'll do a comparison with my Dennis Had Inspire amp and my Cary 300se monoblocks.
  6. I finally got my Gold Lions for my Cary's. They sound better than the EH's right out of the box. I'll be breaking them in over the next few weeks. Congrats on the Willsenton, I've read some good reviews on it.
  7. I had my prostate removed in 2010 at the ripe old age of 55. The Doctor said it was ready to burst, and if I had waited any longer it would have spread. The thing that bothers me is that I had been complaining for years to my Doctor of symptoms, and he just kept an eye on my PSA level, which was elevated. I finally put my foot down, and I got a biopsy that confirmed my worst suspicions, I said all that to say this: if you are a male over 50, please get an exam, or at least blood work for PSA.
  8. I built a pair of the se 84 kits several years ago, and used them bridged as monoblocks. I know the kits don't compare to the real thing, but I was overall impressed with the little things. They're packed away in a box somewhere, maybe I will dig them back out.
  9. I know there's a group of us members from Michigan who enjoyed an afternoon together at your place a few years ago. Most of us were modifiers who talked freely on the forums of days gone by.
  10. Parts Express has plastic ones that are inexpensive.
  11. Living in Michigan, I've found that the extreme cold weather in the wintertime slows down the velocity of the electrons. Therefore, I make sure to open all the doors and windows an hour before turning on my system. Haven't heard a pop in years!
  12. My brother is in North Port. His shed just blew apart and his garden tractor is upside down. No power or internet. Lost contact about 20 minutes ago, looks like the eye is approaching his area.
  13. I have read that a lot of people are complaining of noisy vinyl. I have also read that the remix is outstanding. I will be ordering soon and hope I have no problems with bad vinyl.
  14. The headlines say that the USA is producing millionaires at a record rate. No mention of the poverty rate. I guess we need to think positive. I'm positive I'll never be a millionaire.
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