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About whell

  • Birthday 10/16/1962

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    Metro Detroit

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  1. Never used Roon because of the cost. Plex much the same, and since my system is music only, Plex is more than I need. VLC - assuming you're running VLC on a Windows PC, you need to make sure to set VLC up correctly to bypass the Windows mixer and send the output directly to your soundcard or external DAC. That involves going into VLC preferences, selecting audio, and choosing the device you want to send the audio output to. That said, VLC is a bare-bones media player. The advantage of VLC is that it can play nearly any media file format in existence. However, as far as I know, there is no VLC integration with Tidal, Qobuz, etc. But wait! There's more! If you're tied to the MS Windows ecosystem, you might have a look at Lyrion Music Server: https://lyrion.org/ Lyrion installs in Windows, and you can then configure it for what you need it to do. Lyrion integrates with Tidal, Quboz, Spotify and others. It will scan your hard drive (either internal, attached or network drive) to build a catalog of your music. You can control playback remotely from your chair on a tablet or smartphone or another PC on the same network. Lyrion is what became of the old Logitech Media Server software, and is now maintained by a group of music enthusiasts. A kissing cousin of Lyrion is Daphile: https://www.daphile.com/. Daphile is based on Lyrion. The difference is that, rather than installing Daphile on your existing Windows computer, you actually replace Windows with Daphile: Daphile is its own operating system based on Linux. Daphile also comes with operating system tweaks that favor music playback on a computer. Beyond that, Daphile and Lyrion share similar DNA (i.e., you can use the same plugins as Lyrion users have access to and configure Daphile to do what you need it to do). I've been a happy Daphile user for a number of years. I've compared it to other music-specific operating systems and software but at least for me, I've not found anything better. Well almost. The only thing that I've found that can rival it in my use case is a Linux computer running the mpd music server. The ONLY drawback with mpd is that it doesn't integrate with streaming services like Tidal or Quboz. If you're not a subscriber and don't need that integration, then the sound quality from a properly configured PC running mpd is really tough to beat.
  2. If someone is tuned in to a specific characteristic of a loudspeaker: imaging, soundstage width/depth, a specific timbre or coloration that they tend to like, whatever, they'll gravitate to a speaker that gives them what they want. I think we horn-heads gravitate to the dynamics of speakers like Klipsch. Folks who don't crave dynamics will look to other speaker types or brands, and would probably describe the sonic delivery of a horn speaker as being too "in-your-face". This doesn't mean other speakers are bad, or that Klipsch speakers are lacking. Rather, we all just like what we like.
  3. All my gear sounds better after a half hour or so after I finish the second mug of beer.
  4. Damn, you do great work. I'm an F5 owner and I'm tempted, but just don't have the $$$ right now. Good luck with the sale!!
  5. True. Still, purpose built Linux distros have some useful features and benefits.
  6. Even that's debatable. Currently, I'm running a Linux with Music Player Daemon (mpd). The Linux kernel is tweaked for optimized audio (I didn't do the tweaking - there are purpose-build flavors of Linux out there that pre-package tweaked kernels). The laptop mpd is running on is a old Core 2 Duo with 8 gig of ram that was otherwise sitting unused on a shelf in the basement collecting dust. I do beleive in good cables but not the crazy expensive stuff. I think I paid about $80 for a 2 meter USB cable. Anyway, my cheapo laptop running MPD replaced a Bluesound Node 2i because, at least to these ears, the laptop setup was a sonic step up. I think my total investment in the whole shebang was the cost of the USB cable. The laptop came out of retirement, but I guess a laptop like that could be found on Craigslist for about $50 or so. As with all things audio, your mileage may vary....
  7. Yes, me thinks some are being a bit harsh on Powerline Ethernet adapters. I’ve never had any noise at all when using them, and typically have a strong internet signal. I’d try looking elsewhere for the issue. As stated above, the source of the noise could be elsewhere.
  8. Love my DAC 2. I use it as a preamp / DAC, and the sound is terrific. Highly recommended.
  9. F5 owner here. It’s most revealing yet easy to listen to amps I’ve ever owned. Can’t compare to any do the other FW designs though.
  10. If we're staying on topic, I'll have to stick with Ginger.
  11. Have to second this one. Saw Ann Margret along with Mickey Rooney in the early '80's in the stage production of Sugar Babies. Didn't get to sit as close as you, but even from the distance I was sitting she looked magnificent.
  12. I believe this may be the 2nd time these have been listed. If memory serves, they were for sale last year around this same time. https://detroit.craigslist.org/wyn/ele/d/canton-klipsch-rf-83-tower-speakers/7387701389.html If these belong to any member of the forum, good luck with the sale.
  13. It’s more like months. I think I saw them for the first time in the spring of 2021. The price has been all over the pace over that time too.
  14. https://lansing.craigslist.org/ele/d/laingsburg-klipsch-rf/7379339824.html
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