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    Marantz NR 1606 HT. NOSValves NBS Preamp. Technics SL-1200MK2PK. 2 McIntosh MC1201's. Classic Cornscala.

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Community Answers

  1. That pair in the picture has a unique history. Those came from the huge system I bought that was Ram sound. That entire system was taken very good care of and Bob McTeiry (sp) had very close ties and knowledge of Klipsch pro. He kept his stuff up to date with the latest parts so he could have changed stuff out.
  2. Amazing. Work of Art
  3. https://www.audiophilia.com/reviews/2023/6/11/49fkfmqfnubr67p4v3hwqf1mmlipym
  4. https://www.estatesales.net/WA/Spokane/99206/4125906 Address10714 E. 8th Ave. Spokane, WA 99206
  5. """What makes it so special?""" I'm not the expert. Consideration would be the point-to-point simplicity, McIntosh transformers, and 7591 tubes. jc
  6. I have read up on McIntosh equipment for years and own quite a bit of it. If you ever search "the Best McIntosh amplifier ever", the MC225 comes up quite a bit. It also is a fav of many of the Singled ended lovers but we know it's not single ended. I own one and will eventually let John Warren get his hands on it. My advice would be to never let go of it. jc
  7. Looking like new. Fine work
  8. Will the AL6 E crossover have a "subwoofer out" and be volume controlled by The Preamp? If so, will there be a way to time delay the sub? Will the AL6 E crossover be RCA output only? There is more than one sub option, How will the AL6 E Crossover know which sub it is so that the "magical EQ by Roy" can be implemented? If there is no sub out on the E Crossover, will we just need the EQ information to program into our own crossover or DSP amp? What is Roy's favorite whiskey drink? jc
  9. BTW.... http://glowinthedarkaudio.com/mcintosh-mc225.html I've read this more than once. I've had this bug....even my wife wants me to get one.... Apologize OP. I do want to hear more about Decware
  10. I don't watch video reviews. I typically read about previous owners. Just because I'm on this thread, doesn't mean I'm going down one path. This is all just a fun goof. I've bought plenty of American stuff ....I can't buy it all. Well maybe one day...... My buddy is gettin' one on these....so I'm doing it too. I bought a Transcendent OTL amp once new....just because a friend loved his. Learned a lot and had fun. I bought ALL the Juicy Music stuff. Bought Nosvalve stuff.. Bought AmpsandSounds..... and countless number of McIntosh amps...... All not have even heard before. No sweat. Heck, buy some old Mac amps and send to John Warren. If I can get to them all....I will. Never heard or even seen a Decware product. Yeah... I'll stand in line. No sweat. Laugh while I do it. Hey Op. Sorry that amp is hummin' on you. That Sweetwater product is something to try. I have a another version of that as well by Rolls. My best experience has been with Jenson Transformers....when all else fails. But.... that costs dough. I have one here waitin' until when my Decware arrives. I'll keep it dusted with my coaster and bourbon. jc
  11. I haven't seen any videos. Just going by tremendous online praise. I'm not sufferin' over here ...............as I have too much electronics not in use .........being eye candy. In my 6 year wait period.....at my current purchase rate, I'll probably plow through many more amps.🤪
  12. I'm on this silly list too #2233 out of #2462. It's almost like...."hey, everyone else is doing it". I have the stereo unit 2.1 version with anniversary updates and added XLR. Could be 5 or 6 years before I get mine....if that ever happens. Heck, I've moved since the order. Many units will come up for sale on the used market ....so I could have just snatched those. jc
  13. I edited my post above and changed out the image. I had the wrong transformer model on there. Mike, it is the stock Klipsch K-691. XO is DBX Venu360 10" B&C in a custom box ported about 70 Hz https://www.bcspeakers.com/en/products/lf-driver/10-0/8/10nw76-8 Subs are lab 12s in sealed box
  14. This product I've used in more than one system and I own 2 of them. I feel it doesn't degrade the sound. Makes those vintage amps dead quiet when hooked to a pro active XO. JW may not approve...but it helps me. The bottom MC250 is all RCA from the Mac preamp to the Heresys. The top one I have the Jenson to use that with dbx and MC250 amp for the Klipsch horns. Quiet as a mouse.
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