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John Chi-town

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About John Chi-town

  • Birthday 06/26/1966

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Crestwood KY
  • Interests
    All types of music, hunting, & the "Great Outdoors"
  • My System
    Adcom GFP-750 Preamp
    Adcom GFA-5802 Amplifier
    Adcom GCD-750 CD
    Adcom GFT-555II Tuner
    Adcom ACE-615 Line Cond/Surge
    Klipsch Forte IV Distressed Oak, Lambswool Grills

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John Chi-town's Achievements

Forum Veteran

Forum Veteran (4/9)



  1. There is a mint pair in Omaha Nebraska for sale on Facebook, Audiophile Swap and Shop, which is a private group. Seller is asking $20K.
  2. No Affiliation, Listed in Audiophile Swap and Shop which is a Private FB Group. Facebook
  3. No Affiliation Marketplace - Klipsch Forte II speakers | Facebook
  4. No Affiliation Marketplace - klipsch Heresy 1 1957 loud speakers - vintage Hi-Fi horn | Facebook
  5. No Affiliation Marketplace - Huge vinyl record collection - Approximately 2000 LP albums | Facebook
  6. INMHO I think your asking price is a little high. Take a look at the alerts section on this forum. Average price I have been seeing is around $4,000.00 or slightly less for similar condition, etc. GLWS. Klipsch Cornwall IV For Sale | Audiogon
  7. Providing your location would be helpful to those who may want to sell.
  8. As others mentioned bass extension. The speakers should be placed about 8-10 inches away from the wall. The passive radiator works off the wall. Too far out and you cancel the passive. Congrats on your upcoming purchase. I am a Klipsch owner for 33 years, owned the forte II for 29 years, and forte IV owner the last few years. You are making a great choice, any forte series is hard to beat, and INMHO the best overall value in the Heritage line. Spend some time with them before any updates. Placement is everything with the forte.
  9. No Affiliation, Boxes and all paperwork included. Klipsch Cornwall IV For Sale | Audiogon
  10. No Affiliation Marketplace - klipsch Epic cf-4 v.1 in light oak | Facebook
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