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Arrow#422 last won the day on December 8 2015

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  • Gender
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    Preferably, on the water - A frozen lake is OK too
  • Interests
    Too many at times, but an empty desk is a sign of an empty mind.
  • My System
    It is all just stuff and some of it is, quite frankly, in the way.

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Community Answers

  1. I did as well with no response....my message shows as unread from last week. Likely sold without an update to the post?
  2. T H U N D E R - available for only $250. Get it, still lovin' my....two !
  3. .....of course, mom grew up just blocks away from the original location.
  4. Had to bring it back up: Only 2 weeks to go to see whose best guess was correct..........DJIA is currently up 3% since the poll was posted back on 2/25/2020. NO breadth to any of the indices is a concern going forward. ymmv
  5. I was just in racine 2 weeks ago, and the pecan Kringle was excellent !
  6. fwiw, I sold a perfect set of rf-5's in cherry for $650 just last fall. buyer was very happy with the transaction! if you consider that they are basically floor standing rc-7s, $500 for a pair of rf-5's is quite a deal in comparison to what you'd pay for two rc-7's. ymmv
  7. Thinking those sold through our local auction place a few months back for about $425.....WITH some "ok, so-so" electronics. Been sitting on the mid-state CL site ever since.
  8. Likely there NOW. ($32) per barrel / 42 gallons per barrel = ($0.76) per gallon. Figure in roughly 75 cents per gallon for refining & distribution and we are at 1 penny / gallon. ZERO would technically result in free gasoline, but that's not going to happen. Easier to print "free" money & distribute to the masses & offer up some industry monetary infusions.
  9. https://www.ebay.com/itm/PAIR-LOMO-KINAP-1A-22-RARE-VINTAGE-USSR-SOVIET-HIGH-FREQUENCY-DRIVERS-SPEAKERS/323754480201?_trkparms=aid%3D555021%26algo%3DPL.SIMRVI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190711100440%26meid%3Df42838edce7745dbb83323ab5dbaf43f%26pid%3D100752%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D9%26mehot%3Dpf%26sd%3D233541343383%26itm%3D323754480201%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplRVIAMLv5WebWithPLRVIOnTopCombiner&_trksid=p2047675.c100752.m1982
  10. Having recently accumulated the necessary components, I completed this same 511b/K55 "configuration test" just yesterday on a beater pair of Cornwalls. I too am hearing quite favorable results. I'm looking forward to doing the inverted cabinet orientation next before I make a final decision as to keep or sell them (Corns).
  11. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=styx+too+much+time+on+my+hands&docid=607996295886930535&mid=B32EB8255260E894A0A9B32EB8255260E894A0A9&view=detail&FORM=VRAASM&ru=%2Fvideos%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DStyx%2BToo%2BMuch%2BTime%2BOn%2BMy%2BHands%26FORM%3DVDMHRS
  12. I fully disagree as many of Medwin's posts have been supported with various charts, graphs, and links to information to digest & comprehend. Although he may have a differing view of the market(s), he has supported his premise & shared with us a low risk means to make a few bucks. Has he sufficiently supported his stance enough to satisfy those following this thread? Maybe not. Let it run unless someone gets a$$ hurt over the commentary. YMMV, and if so, change the channel & stop following this string. I'm now back to dealing with my Governor's "stay at home order" that is in effect until 4/13/20 Not sure I have enough projects or patience to get through this...........!
  13. NOT at all what I was conveying. But rather, if you are investing or trading within an inverse vehicle (VIX, TVIX, puts, etc.) you are speculating that the vehicle in question will have its price increase - correct? That by definition is a BULLISH stance even though the overall hedge is for the equity markets to decrease. We surely remain in a BEAR market, but the BULLISH inverse investor capitalizes on these bear market downturns because his inverse vehicle has actually INCREASED in value. In essence, it could be argued that there is never a BEAR market in place. YMMV..............considerably
  14. Recently changed my photo which reflects your underlined statement above. Longer, brighter, better days ahead - fingers crossed that this doesn't become the year.................that wasn't.
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