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  • Gender
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    NE Ohio
  • My System
    Main system
    1955 khorn
    1970 khorn
    1985 lascala
    3 forte lls
    Svs pb 16 ultra

    Garage system:
    KP-301 II
    MWM singles

    In da kitchen
    1981 cornwalls

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  1. @Dave1291 I think your number must be in a busted phone somewhere. It was a great show and the Beachland is my favorite nearby venue. I would say it was close to capacity 300 seats? I was second in line when the doors open and was able to get 1st row just left of center. The opener was the Dave Swanson Mystery Ship and they did one hell of a job playing all original music, A local( to Cleveland) band that is now on my radar. Now the main act. Ive seen Nektar twice before so i kind of knew what to expect although there has been a line up change after the drummer Ron Howden passing last year. A pleasant supprise was the THC gummmies at merch table.😃 Nektar started out with crying in the dark /king of twilight off of Tab in the ocean then a couple of new songs. Back to some of the old stuff with the b side to Recycled then side 1 of Rember the Future. The encore was Good Day. Being such a small venue the band often will hang out with the audience for autographs.
  2. I have a free extra ticket for the show tonight if anyone is interested https://www.beachlandballroom.com/e/13503813/nektar-dave-swanson-s-mystery-airship/
  3. You're not the first person to put your hands behind your ears to hear something better, doing so increases the highs and attenuates the lows. Why? It's because your hands aren't big enough to reflect a 34 Hz sound wave
  4. $75 ain't that much coin, id pick it up and still look for another forte or a heresy, I used a rc3 for a center between fortes untill I found a more appropriate speaker.
  5. an absurd statement ApplyPly is a manufacture of plywood Baltic Birch is a type of plywood supplied by several lumberyards
  6. Skelt


    Um, no thank you. You can have my jabs
  7. Skelt


    Looks like covid wasn't as efficient as was predicted
  8. During final testing at the klipsch factory sometimes it is found that a particular speaker performs especially well with a certain style of music. The tester may put a code on the lable indicating their findings. In the past I have seen on labels RB..rhythm & blues HR..hard rock BG..bluegrass Could RV be "rap voiced"? @coyote is always looking for DM which we all know stands for Donny & Marie
  9. I got this on a trade..... Brought it home and told the wife she's living in Mt Hope now
  10. Easiest repair? Drill & tap for set screws
  11. Really? Show us some pictures of your welds on a k400
  12. Don't try to weld over the stripped threads. That much heat could destroy that end of the horn. I would bore that end out to 1.500 to 1.501, make a sleeve with 1.500 od x 1-3/8-18 id and press it in using sleeve adhesive.
  13. The older one was made using a sand casting process. The later was die cast.
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