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About vasubandu

  • Birthday 07/31/1964

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  1. Wow, what are they worth? Talk about an unanswerable question. Last year, a guy in the middle of South Dakota put up a pair of CF-4 1 for $400 and a pair of CF-3 i for $300. I went crazy trying to get them, but just could not get there so I told everyone else here to get them for themselves. Someone did, but I cannot remember who. A pair sold in Turkey last year for $3,200, and pairs can bring over $2,000 in Europe. Last year a guy in Phoenix agreed to sell me his original pair for $900. But as we worked out the details, he became more and more regretful. I could tell from our communications that he really did not want to let them go, so I finally just told him that if he had changed his mind, I understood and it was perfectly fine with me. I thought the guy was going to cry and he tried to give me money for letting him out. They are very special speakers, and they were special to him. The best source I know of for used prices is hifishark.com. It is incomplete and unreliable because many were not sold, but it will tell you something. The risk is that parts are not available. No one has them. Depending on the version, I am going to guess $600-900 would be "value," but you might be able to get more. If you would ship, try audiogonusa.com and hifishark.com. I would love them if we could figure something out, but I just finished my system with an Optoma UHD-60 4K projector. In the end, I found that my favorite speaker was my CF-7 center. So I had a guy swap out the 1" tweeters on a pair of RF-5 for the 1.75" from a pair of CF-7, which gives them the exact same components as the RC-7. My surrounds are RS-7 and the back surrounds are 2 more RC-7. Sort of an RC-7 love fest. I would tear it apart for some CF-4, but it still feels new to my wife. Here are the Hifishark.com solds. If I can help you in any way, let me know. Product Site Price Listed WANTED: Klipsch Epic CF-4 US Audio Mart-May 30, 2018 - May 30, 2018 WANTED: I need a paid of Klipsch Epic CF-4, preferably in Cherry. I am in Seattle. Will pay for Shipping US Audio Mart-May 30, 2018 - May 30, 2018 Klipsch CF4 Le Bon Coin€10Dec 14, 2017 - Jan 20, 2018 Diffusori casse klipsch epic cf4 alta efficenza Subito€1,400Oct 7, 2017 - Oct 13, 2017 Diffusori casse klipsch epic cf4 alta efficenza hi end Kijiji IT€1,400Oct 7, 2017 - Oct 7, 2017 Enceintes klipsch epic cf4 2ememain-Jun 21, 2017 - Jul 3, 2017 Klipsch CF4 Le Bon Coin-May 28, 2017 - May 28, 2017 Enceinte accoustique klipsch epic cf4 2ememain-May 9, 2017 - May 18, 2017 Klipsch Epic CF-4 version 1 Sale Pending US Audio Mart$995Nov 5, 2016 - Nov 24, 2016 Klipsch CF4 Series One Speakers US Audio Mart$950Oct 14, 2016 - Oct 19, 2016 Klipsch Epic CF-4 / CF-3 Prospekt / Katalog SpringAir€12Sep 21, 2016 - Oct 29, 2016 KLIPSCH Epic CF4,s Kijiji CACA$2,300Sep 9, 2016 - Sep 12, 2016 WTB: Klipsch CF-4s Polk Audio-May 10, 2016 - Nov 10, 2016 Klipsch CF4 FinnNOK7,000Mar 6, 2016 - Apr 6, 2016 KLIPSCH CF-4 en excellent état Le Bon Coin€500Dec 6, 2015 - Dec 13, 2015 Klipsch cf4 Le Bon Coin€650Dec 5, 2015 - Dec 13, 2015 Klipsch cf4 Le Bon Coin€800Nov 21, 2015 - Nov 26, 2015 Klipsch Epic CF4 - No Longer Available Audio Karma-Oct 8, 2015 - Apr 27, 2016 Klipsch Epic CF4 / CF3 Prospekt / Katalog SpringAir€12Jul 2, 2015 - Jul 27, 2015 Klipsch EPIC CF4 US Audio Mart$775Jun 29, 2015 - Jul 1, 2015 Klipsch Epic CF-4 / CF-3 Prospekt / Katalog SpringAir€12Jun 27, 2015 - Sep 21, 2016 Klipsch Epic CF4 / CF3 Prospekt / Katalog SpringAir€12Jun 25, 2015 - Jun 26, 2015 Enceintes KLIPSCH CF4 Le Bon Coin-May 13, 2015 - May 21, 2015 Enceinte KLIPSCH CF4 Le Bon Coin-Apr 26, 2015 - May 3, 2015 Enceinte KLIPSCH CF4 Le Bon Coin€1,200Apr 21, 2015 - Apr 24, 2015 Klipsch Epic CF4 Loudspeakers Craigslist US$1,070Feb 13, 2015 - Feb 13, 2015 KLIPSCH CF4 Kijiji CACA$1,500Feb 10, 2015 - Feb 10, 2015 Klipsch Epic CF4 Vintage Loudspeakers Craigslist US$1,100Jan 16, 2015 - Jan 30, 2015 Klipsch Epic CF-4 Vintage Loudspeakers Craigslist US$1,140Dec 16, 2014 - Dec 16, 2014 Stereo high end for sale Klipsch CF4\'s Adcom & CA Audio Lab CD - $1700 Craigslist US$1,700Oct 27, 2014 - Oct 27, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF-4 Craigslist US$800Oct 21, 2014 - Oct 21, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood) Craigslist US$1,999Oct 15, 2014 - Oct 15, 2014 Vintage Klipsch Epic CF-4 Speakers Craigslist US$1,200Sep 29, 2014 - Sep 29, 2014 Klipsch EPIC CF-4! KLF-30! KLF-C7 Craigslist US$889Sep 13, 2014 - Oct 1, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood) Craigslist US$1,999Sep 13, 2014 - Sep 13, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF-4 Version 1 Cherry Craigslist US$1,100Sep 12, 2014 - Sep 12, 2014 Vintage Klipsch Epic CF-4 Speakers Craigslist US$1,200Sep 9, 2014 - Sep 12, 2014 Klipsch CF-4 Tower Speakers (2 pairs available) Craigslist US$750Jul 8, 2014 - Sep 13, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood) Craigslist US$1,999Jul 5, 2014 - Jul 30, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF-4 Floorstanding Speakers. Audiogon$899Jun 19, 2014 - Jun 29, 2014 Klipsch CF4 1st generation Craigslist US$600Jun 17, 2014 - Jun 18, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood) Craigslist US$1,999Jun 8, 2014 - Jun 28, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF4 cherry speakers Craigslist US$750Jun 2, 2014 - Jun 7, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF4 Speakers and misc. audio equipment Craigslist US$1,500May 31, 2014 - Jul 14, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF-4 Floorstanding Speakers. Audiogon$899May 14, 2014 - Jun 12, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood)) Craigslist US$1,900May 4, 2014 - May 21, 2014 Klipsch CF 4 Speakers (Pair) US Audio Mart$200Apr 13, 2014 - Apr 13, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood)) Craigslist US$1,900Apr 7, 2014 - May 3, 2014 Klipsch CF 4 Speakers (Pair) US Audio Mart$200Apr 13, 2014 - Apr 13, 2014 KLIPSCH CF-4 Most Sought After Version - 1 Speakers (Cherry Wood)) Craigslist US$1,900Apr 7, 2014 - May 3, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF4 Speakers and misc. audio equipment Craigslist US$1,500Mar 3, 2014 - Apr 17, 2014 Klipsch CF-4 Speakers ... Audiophile Craigslist US$1,000Feb 21, 2014 - Apr 6, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF4 Speakers Craigslist US$400Feb 14, 2014 - Feb 16, 2014 Klipsch CF-4 Cherry Wood Craigslist US$1,600Feb 5, 2014 - Mar 19, 2014 Klipsch Epic CF-4 Cherry Wood Craigslist US$1,600Feb 5, 2014 - Mar 19, 2014 More results
  2. You probably have had the CF-4 for long enough that they are boring. No matter how good it is, the same thing gets boring over time. I could take them off your hands.
  3. Buddy II have only known you for a week or so, but I ca assure you that you blew past eccentric decades ago. I know weirdos because I am one, and I'm not entirely sure that you have not passed that too. How about crackpot or fruitcake?
  4. I agree but not because of the weather. OK that was mean. But yeah you get about 50 and we get about 40. But you get hurricanes and that really is cheating. Should not count. I had no idea you got that much. And the humidity, plus it is in Texas, and plus it is Houston. Why does anyone live there?
  5. Get one of their subwoofers. That will cure you.
  6. Np @Lateral_Line you are not too later. A few others here kidnapped me and held an intervention, as in "what part of scam do you not understand." Then again, even if was never delivered, I at least would have an imaginary CF-4. On the good side, my new Arizona friend has decided to sell me his pair of CF-4 version 1 speakers after all. And he is for real.
  7. We would love a handful of nice days. In 2016-2017, over a span of 178 days, Seattle had 123 with rain or snow, 149 with more than 70 percent cloud cover, and just nine -- that's nine, as in two more than a week -- with less than 30 percent cloud cover. Of course on average we have 308 cloudy days per year. Of course, that is offset by the rain. From October 2017 through April 2017, we got 44.67 inches of rain, not that anyone noticed. But really, out summers are gorgeous.
  8. I don't want attention. I do want information and help. My singular goal is to learn. I want to learn how speaker work on a physical level, I want to learn how to build a good subwoofer, I want to learn if I can accomplish something by doing things differently, I want to learn if Chinese companies make decent audio equipment, I want to learn about box and tube enclosures for subwoofers, but I also want to learn and infinite baffle and open baffle subwoofers, I want to learn if a much larger subwoofer would do the bass what larger woofers did for my audio in general. I don't want attention in the sense that I so not care what anyone else thinks about me. That was something that my father ingrained in my when I was in junior high (middle school). One day, he said to me, "Son, you are a weirdo. You always have been a weirdo and you always will be a weirdo. The question is whether you are going to be a happy weirdo or a miserable one. And that depends on one thing, whether you care what other people think about you. Because if you care, you are giving them power, and since you are weirdo, they are going to use that power against you." It tool me a while, but I do not recall caring what anyone thought about me unless I decided to. I care what my wife thinks about everything, including me, and I care what my kids think, although they would deny it. I care what a very few of my friends think, and beyond that, I just don't give a ****. That does not mean that I don't care about people because I do. It just means that I define myself and I am not going to let anyone else do it. So I don't think that you are rude, and I am not offended. I think about what people say, and I adjust my behavior if I think that I should. I am sorry that my posts have affected you that way, and while part of me wants to say then don't read it, another part says that maybe you have a point and I should adjust things. By the way. looking at the list of posts that I started, I see this for February 2/28 Optoma Projectors 2/17 Dilemma about subwoofers 2/10 Followup on subwoofers 2/8 Crazy idea for subwoofers 2/8 Would this work (subwoofers) 2/4 Garage Sale 2/3 Integra question I don't know if that is too many or not. Now, if you look at January, I was a complete mess. And people told me privately and publicly that I was overdoing it. When looked back at it, I had to agree. I probably could have put all the subwoofer stuff in a single post. I thought I had reasons for new posts, but I don't even remember what they were, so I think I will try to avoid that. I probably do post more than most here but that is because I am at my computer around 16 hours a day, and when something comes in I read it. Bottom line is that I will consider your post and took it as a comment meant to help me.
  9. In Seattle we have wet and dry. From November to May we probably see the sun 30 days in a typical year. From June through October, we have amazing weather and during summer the sun sun does not set until after 10. Little known fact: during the baseball season, Seattle gets less rain than any Major League baseball city outside of California and Arizona. It is than nice here. Of course, when it gets dark at 4:30 in December, I never remember how good the summer was.
  10. I do not see a question mark in there. But you are right. Here especially I ask questions without knowing the answer, and I break the rule at trial all the time. Besides, we may think we know the answer but quite often we don't. Wouldn't you agree?
  11. Houston we have a problem. WVU80 rambled on about 9 different basketball teams and not once did he mention the mightiest, most storied team that brings tenacity and overwhlming force to the court, and yes I mean Kansas. He plainly has lost his mind, or been putting something in all that coffee. Kansas for the win.
  12. Excellent point, and if I attended by proxy with a case of whiskey, I assume I would be one of the spirits and therefore present.
  13. I rarely ask a question if I do not know the answer. First rule for lawyers.
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