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  1. Some physicial limitations had taken me out of the speaker building business. Up for sale is a couple of my books 1) Speaker Enclosures by Alexis Badmaieff and Don Davis (144 pages, softcover, copyright 1966) 2) 21 Custom Speaker Enclosure Projects You Can Build by David B. Weems (251 pages, hardcover, copyright 1980) Asking $12 delivered for both One of the cooler projects in the fist book is the Jensen Imperial Folded Horn. It's the one I always wanted to build but just never got around to it. Thanks for looking!
  2. A neat little video game for anyone who's in to old school arcade games. It has Pac-Man, Galaxian, Rally X, Dig-Dug, and Bosconian. In excellent condition and operationally perfect. Lots of good memories of all the quarters and tokens that I pumped in to these machines back in the day. You'll need a TV with a RCA (yellow) video in or S-Video (adapter included) and audio in connection in order to use it. Asking price is $23.89 delivered by USPS to a CONUS address and paid by PayPal. Why the somewhat irregular price? Simple. It's the cost of a 12 pack of my favorite liquid bread plus postage plus PayPal fees. Thanks for looking!
  3. OK... How about $80 shipped for the pair.
  4. These have been sold. I had collected parts to build another pair of Heresys to use as surround speakers. I've since given up on that project so I'm putting the parts up for sale. These have been upgraded with Solen polypropylene capacitors. They're built in such a way that makes it easy to change out the caps if you're so inclined. I have the original capacitors available if desired. The crossovers are in very good condition. The have been tested in my existing Heresys and work perfectly. Asking price is $45 delivered by USPS Priority Mail to a CONUS address. No additional charge for PayPal as it is my preferred method of payment. Thanks for looking!
  5. I've been a trouble maker all of my life. Why stop now?
  6. I see under my username and avatar "warning points 0". I haven't found anyone else with this. Have I done something worthy of warning points?
  7. The problem I had at the old forum using Chrome was paragraph breaks. If there is a space between the first line and this one then the problem has gone away.
  8. jhoak

    Some sad news

    Mom's memorial service was held yesterday. It was a true and meaningful tribute to her life and enduring faith. Not a dry eye in the house. Mine included. In the hours since I can't seem to stop crying for her. And as bad as I feel for the loss for my mother I feel even worse for my father over the loss of his wife of 50+ years.
  9. jhoak

    Some sad news

    Thank you all for you kind words, thoughts, and prayers. They are greatly appreciated. I was her first born so Mom and I had a kind of "special" relationship. That's not to say that she didn't love all 4 of us equally but she and I shared things that we didn't share with my brother and sisters. Frankly, the magnitude of my loss still hasn't fully struck me. I'm not sure when it will. The funeral is scheduled for Monday. I suspect it'll be one of the hardest thing I'll ever do. For those who wish to see here is her obituary published in the local newspaper: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/theledger/obituary.aspx?n=carole-j-hoak&pid=167069583&fhid=7783#fbLoggedOut
  10. jhoak

    Some sad news

    My mother passed away about an hour ago. The details are still a little sketchy but it appears that she succumbed to an asthma attack precipitated by COPD. She turned 75 a couple of weeks ago. To say that I'm in shock would be an understatement. Prayers and good wishes are requested for my father. They were married for 56 years. Don't know what else to say...
  11. Another pair from my collection. They're in very good condition. The cones are perfect. They both measure 7.3 ohms Asking price is $40 each plus actual shipping or $100 to shipped to a CONUS address for the pair. Thanks for looking!
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