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Everything posted by SonicSeeker

  1. Good afternoon, Just a question if you dont mind. First My gear I have a yamaha rx-z11 powering RF-7II mains RC-64II center SVS PB-13 ULTRA and 6 KSP-S6 surounds I use a Denon 3800BDCI for my music and movie via a HDMI hookup. I sold my chorus II speakers when I bought the rf-7's and I wish I would not for I felt the chorus were much fuller and richer sounding especially in the vocal's. My knowledge is limited and I am trying to get better educated, so here are my questions and any advice would be appreciated. Is my amp a good amp for Klipsch, Am I ever going to be satisfied with the RF-7'S (my original thought in buying them was so my surround would be better matched) OR should I go back to a cornscalla or klipschorn design. Nothing worse than spending money to upgrade and feel like you went backwords. Thanks
  2. I have an svs pb-13 ultra and a medium irregular room. This is the fourth different sub I have had and the first one I am happy with. I think you would be very satisfied, and as for paying for the name, I think with svs you are not paying extra just for a name.
  3. really good example of this is a boom box, or an old stock car radio everything sounds the same don’t matter how good or bad it is still sounds the same. With the 7s everything to me sounds different it’s a different color or sound every cd or blu ray. I’ve never heard them sound terrible though but I’m kind of picky what I watch or listen to. As good as some old bands are only a some have really good sound like a pink Floyd or something. I agree. Steve miller sounded awsome, supertramp incredible, floyd vantastic, rush superb, amazing with jazz, blues traveler great, styx a little harsh at times, norah jones sounds, well, I dont think she could sound much better.
  4. The things that sound good truly sound amazing, what I find the worst are some old rock stuff but not all. I played an old clapton greatest hits and a couple songs were not tolerable.I guess when the recording is good its good and with these speakers when its not its really not.
  5. I think you are right on the money there.
  6. I have had my RF-7II speakers for a few months now and although they do sound good. Some things sound great and other stuff sounds horibble. I never noticed that issue with the chorus II or cornwalls. Does any one have any input out there.
  7. The decision is a tough one, the sevens will go much better with your front, and there is a reason they cost more, the sevens are amazing speakers and the 83's are great, so amazing or great, tough choice.
  8. I wish I could hear the difference as you know the s-6's sound pretty darn good so I hate to spend money for no gain as I have before and been disappointed.
  9. I am looking at used speakers my room is 15 by 30 and seperated from another equal space by a 3 foot tall island. Would this be adequate for Klipschorns.
  10. Has any one heard these to know the difference?
  11. I have RF-7II'S and they are good speakers I was wondering if I would notice a big difference with P38-F'S OR Klipschorns which I have always wanted Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Help
  12. Would 1972 klipschorns be a good year. Any advantages for going that old or should I go newer.
  13. As I suspected. Thanks, Now would you have any advice on different years or decades when the k-horns would be better or worse.
  14. Thanks for the info. I was hoping that a small center would work but I had a feeling it would take a full size.
  15. Just a few questions. First, are all klipschorns created equal, is there a time period that is more desirable or less desirable and if so why? Second, what would be a good match for a center channel speaker (Academy,KLF-C4, KV-4)? I have Cornwall II's in the game room, RF-7II's,Rc-64II, six Ksp-s6's and an SVS PB13-ULTRA for my family room. I have always wanted a pair of k-horns and was hoping to not make a mistake in purchasing them. I appreciate any advice.
  16. I purchased a pair of RF-7II speakers about six weeks ago and felt as you do but with a little placement experimentation and some break-in time they sounded a 100% better and I am more than happy now. When I first hooked them up they had no detail no depth and a minimal sound stage and they excell in these area's now I am very happy with them. Give them some some really good break-in time and if they are anything like my 7's you will be much happier.
  17. The system should sound fine in your room and will fit great into a larger environment in the future. we cant always have the perfect space but this is an excellent system and you will not be dissapointed. Make sure you are buying from an authorized Klipsch dealer (more important than a free sub) but a heck of a deal if they are. I have done bussiness online with a company called sound distributors and have been very pleased. sounddistributors@gmail.com just e-mail. Just talk with eric there if you want Good luck Scott
  18. Any real world feed back out there comparing the RS-62II and the KSP-S6. RF-7II RC-64II SIX KSP-S6 SUNFIRE SIGNATURE TRUE EQ SUB YAMAHA RX-Z11
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