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Everything posted by Matthews

  1. woooahooo!!! Yea, I am getting a little excited myself. I can tell already if it arrives early morning, Matt wont be getting much work done[] I will post complete updates tomorrow evening. Thanks for your help guys! I was pretty sure the Adcom would work but needed to check. Darnit' I might even have trouble getting to sleep tonight. Well, until tomorrow. Have a wonderful night!
  2. Hey guys/gals, my new Yamaha M-80 amp arrives tomorrow. Will I have any problems controlling it with my Adcom GTP-502? Thanks for your help!
  3. Nuggets, ooppps, probably my fault...I hope you have a wonderful day[^o)]
  4. No Sugar Shack, I live in Columbia, Missouri. We do have a Gorham St. though...I am not sure of any Madison or Marvel near by. I have lived here all my life, love it. I am a pretty outdoors person and there are endless possibilities for adventure here. Although, my Klipsch have managed to keep me pretty entertained this winter. Is Columbia the area that you meant?
  5. Matt lives in good ol' Central Missouri, dont make it out east often. If I go east it will be N. Carolina. Hit the mountains and not leave. I just remember how much work was involved in spinning vinyl from when I was a kid. Thanks for the info. I dont know any one around here that could turn me onto some quality vinyl sounds. I really dont know anyone else around here into high end audio. you guys are my current information besides the local shop and it always costs me a bit o change every time I walk thru the door.
  6. There's always something around to be amazed about. Sometimes, dont even have to look. I am still having a hard time understanding why you guys are playing with those big black frizbees. The tube amps, now I understand that. Is it just because you can? Am I missing out on something? No offense please, I just dont get it.
  7. Coming soon to a Thread near you!!! Adcom and Yamaha duke it out. [8o|] .............wagers anyone?.............
  8. I like the way John has put it. The M-80 will blow the Sadcom away. I like the idea that the predator has now become the prey...
  9. Thanks for the opinions guys! I am very much looking forward to compare the two amps. From what everyone has said it seems I am going to be pleasantly suprized. I just hope my old spakling holds to the walls[Y] I will be back in to give updates. I hope everyone has a wonderful day[8]
  10. Darn it, new amp does not arrive until Monday. Waitiing patiently until then. Im pretty excited though, gonna be a long few days. Trust me ya'll be one of the first to know how the maiden voyage went...
  11. Yea, Everything I have heard about older Klipsch is quite amazing. I had no idea about the history of Klipsch until I began shopping for my dream system. I am running a pair of RF-7's and my little ears perk up everytime they are turned on. They are incredible...
  12. Remember? I have never even seen a Cornwall in person. Not to sure? It looks very historic, will it be going to the Smithsonian soon?
  13. Hello there Grumpy! my view on cables? Well, I would have to say I prefer to use a cable as opposed to chains. A chain can be very cumbersome and difficult to operated in extreme conditions. Also, a cable seems to be a little more forgiving. I suppose it just depends on what you are trying to move... []
  14. Just wondering if anyone has had an M-80 in their system? I am pretty excited about mine. I have never played around with that much power. I am a little apprehensive that it will not live up to what I am hopeful it can do. Any thoughts?
  15. Hello there friends, I am excited about interacting with some fellow Klipschers. I made a bit of a rocky start here and am looking forward to some growth. Anyhow, my very first pair of Klipsch were a pair of RB-61's. From that very moment I was absolutely in love with what I had discovered. I had never heard such wonderful sound come from such a small source. At that time I was powering with a Onkyo do it all reciever. I have graduated a bit since then. They had a pair of RF-7's in the showroom of my local audio shop (D&M Sound). I threw in some Deep Purple and it was all over. Had to have them... Next, the Onkyo had to go. Graduated again to an Adcom 5400 amp and 502 controller. WOW!!! And so my adventure continues. Last night I pick up a vintage Yamaha M-80 on e-bay, pristine condition (well, we will see). All the reviews I have read are saying good things about the M-80. So now, it is going to be a long 10 days or so waiting for my new toy to arrive. Again, thanks for being here. Klipsch Newbee, Matt
  16. I am sorry for offending some here in this forum. Yes, I need to work on being patient. I was wrong!!! That being said, thank you for not being as rude as I in some of your resposes. I look forward to future Klipsch tales and stories here and will be respectful in the future. I hope everyone here has a wonderful day!
  17. I had a simple question about an audio issue, no response. I thought this was a place to share information and find answers to common Klipsch problems. So I guess a person has to lie to get your attention. Maybe you just need a horn put in an unpleasent area to get some attention around here...Thanks for nothing!
  18. I am running a pair of RF-7's with an Adcom 5400 (125 wpc). Last night I picked up a Yamaha M-80 (250 wpc) on e-bay. It was suggested I need to install in line fuses between the Yamaha and Klipsch. Is this something I need to consider? If so, where is the best place to find needed items (Radio Shack)? I will be using everything the Yamaha can give and dont want to damage my treasured Klipsch. Thanks for your time...
  19. I am running a pair of RF-7's with an Adcom 5400 (125 wpc). Last night I picked up a Yamaha M-80 (250 wpc) on e-bay. It has been suggested that I install in line fuses between the Yamaha and Klipsch. Is this something I need to consider? If so, can the supplies be purchased at Radio Shack or do I need to look elsewhere? I will using all the Yamaha has to give and dont not want to do any damage. A little expense now vs huge heart ache later? I like to push the Klipsch to near dangerous levels and need a little advice. Thanks for your time...
  20. I am running a pair of RF-7 with Adcom 5400 (125 wpc). Last night I picked up a Yamaha M-80 (250 wpc) on e-bay. Someone told me it would be a good idea to install an in line fuse going to the speakers. Is this something I need to consider? Where do I find what is needed (radio shack)? I will be using everything the amp will give and do not want to do any damage! Please help before my new Yamaha arrives. Thanks for you time.
  21. I recently purchased a pair of RF-7's and am running an Onkyo TX-SR600. I have not hooked the speakers up yet and have some concerns about the compatability of the two. Will the RF-7 be powered sufficiantly from the Onkyo. I love to really rock out and am a little worried about over heating my amp or possibly damaging the speakers. Any suggestions please...
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